Ron, Orange's father (EchoBro)

Well, I posted Orange’s mother, so why not her father now? :smiley:

Unlike Grace, who hated Orange for being a alicorn, Ron loved her just like he loved the rest of his babbehs. Sadly, fate didn’t help him, and he was forced to stay away from his beloved family, mainly Orange.
As I said in Grace’s post, I can show what happened to him if you guys want.


Poor guy, not often we get to see the male special friends being the victims of abuse by their own partners!

Part of me hopes he gets to live a better life, but cruel reality tells me he’ll most likely have to make the biggest, most heartbreaking choice of giving up his child in hopes she lives a better life while he returns to the harsh living of being on the streets.


Well, let’s just say fate isn’t going to be fair for him… But I already have something hugbox-like planned for him.

Aww man, just knowing Ron gets a hugbox like ending makes me rejoice, even if it means he has to suffer through life before he gets that ending. Just like my post on Grace, a diagram on Ron would be cool too, maybe something in his life made him so empathetic and loving, even towards alicorn/munstah babbeh despite their species inherent fear/hatred towards them.

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