Rosenkrieg [ CoronaryHeatingProcedure ]


When mummah and Daddeh fight fluffy get scardie poopies!


This is intense. Lot of emotion. Could I touch this up a little, add color so we can see your lines better?


I actually want to finish this up myself but posted the sketch beforehand as I do with many of my works ( I don’t always immediately have the time, motivation or emotional strength to finish a piece in one go but want to share it all the same).

Thank you for offering though. It shows me that this resonated with you in some way, to the point where you want to see it finished. It’s highly appreciated.


even better! looking forward to the finished piece.

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Well drawn as usual, and you taught me a new word!


Yikes the emotions in this are powerful and sadly relatable to a lot of young people who have parents like this. Well done pal well done.


ho. lee. shit. wow.


This piece comes from a place of hurt as I’ve lived trough similar when I was little. I don’t remember specific things but I do remember that crushing feeling of helplessness and wanted put it onto paper.

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That makes total sense. I know all about being a situation like that. I’m glad your hopefully doing better now.

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Most certainly, but sometimes I still get overwhelmed with sudden (emotional) flashbacks that take me back to being that devastated kid.

I hope I can get closure someday but right now I’m just glad I get to share art like this to maybe help someone else as well.

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Beautifully done! You can almost feel the domestic abuse coming from this one!

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