Ruby Red pt.4: Cutting A Stone by bunnybunnyhops

backstory time

Ruby was walking home from work in the rain. It had been a hard day. Some jerk was from HR was hitting on her. She almost lost a very important file and she forgot an umbrella. She tried to look on the bright side. At least it was summer and the owner of the coffee shop she went to saw her and gave her a dollar store poncho. Not that it was any use, but it was nice of her.
Ruby let the rain wash away her day. The HR Guy was a jerk but everyone at work was nice to her. She didn’t know why. She thought she was undeserving. But they made her feel like part of the team there.
Ruby walked into her apartment. It was small and a mess, but it was enough for herself and her fluffy. She didn’t need or want much, just enough to get by. Though her fluffy didn’t see things that way.
When Ruby first got her Char was a sweetheart but halfway through her pregnancy she became a nightmare. She didn’t spoil Char. She didn’t give into her demands, no skitties. She put Char in sorry box until she admitted what she done wrong. She did everything right, but somehow Char did a one eighty on her personality.
Ruby avoided going into the safe room. She didn’t want to deal with Char or her best baby. Not before dealing with her parents. She wasn’t their favorite. They barely knew she existed. No, the title of favorite went to her perfect twin sister. They were identical. In fact, they were identical in everyway. Same grades in school. Same interests, went to the same college. They could switch places and no one but their parents would know. After they were born they tattooed a mole on one of their fingers. They always check. The only difference she was a software designer and Ruby was a coder, but somehow Ruby was cheap copy to them. Despite everything, she loves her sister. She had no hate towards her. Crystal would ask for thing for Ruby. She didn’t make Ruby feel invisible.
After a shower and putting on her best clothes, Ruby went to her parents house. After checking her hand her father let her in without a word. She sat down and waited for the happy family show.
Their father would greet her sister with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Tell her how pretty she looked. Give her money or a gift. Asked if she was doing alright. Their mother would come out of the kitchen and would shower Crystal with love and some baked good. Praise her some more. Then would pull her into the kitchen. Crystal would came get her. She would make sure Ruby was sitting next to her. Otherwise their parents would skip handing Ruby the food dishes. Their parents would praise Crystal even more. Every time something bad happened to Crystal, they would say it wasn’t her fault even if it was.
After dinner Crystal and Ruby would sneak away and catch up. Crystal would ask why Ruby kept coming. Ruby would ask her they same. The sisters had the same answer. They wanted to see each other and their parents house was a good midpoint. Everything was fine as long Crystal was there.
One phone call was all it took to destroy everything. Ruby was Crystal Emergency Contact. The police called Ruby. There had been an accident. The fresh summer rain had brought the oil on the roads to the surface. The driver in the other line lost control of his car and crossed into on coming traffic. The trucker couldn’t stop in time and plowed into the car. Her sister’s car was following too close to the truck and smashed into it. Where apon another car cashed into hers. They couldn’t tell her if she died intentionally or not.
Ruby held together until she got off the phone. She screamed and wailed in agony. Her parents ignored her not knowing what had happened. What happened after that was a blur to Ruby. But she remembered her parents calling her an evil spirit haunting them in the form of there daughter and told her to get out throwing salt at her.
Ruby was running on automatic when she returned to her apartment. She changed into ratty old clothes and went to the safe room sorry stick in hand. Not that it was much use against Char. They room was a mess with toys and shit everywhere. Half starved foals shaking in the corner. All Ruby asked Char to do was to feed her other foals.
Char demanded sketties so she could make the best milk for her best babies. Ruby raise the sorry stick to hit yellow and purple fluffy on the flank. The bitch turned around and Ruby hit her across the face. Her tears and screams of why she hurt the best fluffy made something in Ruby snap. Why couldn’t she get the love and affection of her parents? Why wasn’t she good enough for them? Why was her fluffy a bitch? Why couldn’t she be perfect? Why couldn’t everything in her life be perfect? It wasn’t her fault. Her losing the only person to love her wasn’t her fault. Her life being shit wasn’t her fault. It was other things making it shit and she was the only one who could fix it.
She beat Char’s face until it was a blood mess. Char’s best baby tried to save her. Ruby gave him a quick hard swipe across his face. The hit was hard enough to twist his neck snapping it. He was dead before he hit the ground.
Ruby went back to beating Char. She started laughing. Ruby was feeling better. All the thoughts of the life she was going to make better made her happy.
Ruby took Char to a vet that didn’t ask questions. The vet fixed what they could, but Char was going to be blind and unable to smell for the rest of her life. That was perfectly find for Ruby.
Ruby deep cleaned the safe room and made it safe for a blind fluffy. She took Char’s milk to feed the foals until Char learned to feed them again on her own. She asked wish foal was her best baby. Ruby would tell her they all were. When Char tried to get out of line, Ruby would smack her in the face with a sorry stick. Char got back in line real fast. She did the same for the foals.
Ruby kept Char pregnant after her first litter was weaned. She paid off the loan she took out for her sister’s burial. There was no wake or funeral. Her sister didn’t want that. Plus, she didn’t want her parents to know where their old perfect daughter was buried. They had a new one. She would tell them once they realize that. It wasn’t her fault they didn’t see that yet.
Ruby bought a little house with the breeding money. She keep Char around until she died of complication while she was giving birth. She was cremated and her ashes scattered in the back yard.
With the money she got from the surviving foals, she bought a bi colored purple and white filly. Ruby wasn’t going to make the same mistakes with her as she did Char. Her new breeding mare was going to be perfect. She was going to wait until she was older to breed her. She would make sure she stayed good. She was going to get her the perfect Special Friend to help her raise her foals. Feather seemed like a fitting name.

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Christ Ruby’s parents are the fucking worst, throwing salt at your only living daughter? Fuck you buddy.

This cycle of abuse doesn’t excuse Ruby but it does explain them. I think at some point Ruby is going to implode, and I fear she may take at least a few of the Fluffies with her.

On another note, abusive and neglectful parents with only a sibling to help guide through it all and a love of psychologically abusing Fluffies, I think Ruby and Josef would have a lot to talk about.


Yeah, I think she would get along with Josef, they could swap stories, but she would hate Crimson. Would never touch him, not her fluffy, but she would hate him and think he should be more obedient.


Honestly don’t blame her, she’s probably right


Madness begets madness, and abuse begets abuse.


Ok so her parents are assholes as well cant believe they mistreated like that…guess being a cokoo runs in the family? And she snapped.

The salt thing is really moronic of her parents

Still Ruby issue of her perfect world wont last if she trys to force it on anyone


I dont know how to feel with the name of the fluffy