Rude Awakening - Parts 5&6 (Salapet)



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Word of god says the fluffies were moved far enough away from his house after mutilating them, so now he can sleep just fine, plothole solved.

Also I like to think fluffies just have the foggiest idea what certain things are, so anything even remotely similar can be mistaken for spaghetti. You know, because they’re idiots.


I love how pathetic your fluffies are


Wow! with each page they get stupider and stupider, even for fluffies! XD


Somewhere, a cruel God is watching these events unfold. And he’s giggling to himself

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He will find ten tons of disappointment when he gets back to his now legless family

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Lmao, I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen a fluffy mistake yellow road markings for sketti. Cool little creative twist there!

yup, it got better

Idiot indeed mistook the yellow line for skettis?? :man_facepalming: I though this one will survive but I was mistaken go die with the rest of your family shitrat.

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Aw thanks, even though it’s probably due to my drawing skills also being pretty pathetic ):

Frontal fluffies are the bane of my artistic existence.