deaw diawy dis bwite time when fwuffy’s daddeh got back fwom schoow fwuffy had anothah fwuffie wiff him an’ daddeh said that it was fwend fo’ fwuffy ‘cos fwuffy wooked wonewy dah onwy pwobwem am dat fwuffy ca’ teww dah nyu fwuffie who am namsied webiatan wan’ tu gib Wunt owwies 'cos am smawwah den Webiatan am
wha’ am Wunt pos’ tu du bou’ it fwuffycomminidiy
Have you tried licking the electrical outlet?
One of two things.
One, it will make you get a lot of energy so you can be really fast, which is just as good as being big.
Two, it will give you lots of weird tingly feelings, like when you were growing and things felt weird. The more tingles you get, the bigger you will grow later.
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Owwies huu huu huu Wunt hab heawt huwties nao huu huu huu
Give webiatan sorry poopies and he will not bother you anymore. Make sure to do bad poopies on daddehs shoes too and tell him the bad fluffy did it.
Tell daddeh to put a recordable nanny cam up so if the new fluffy hurts you, it is recorded and daddeh will punish the bad fluffy.
otay dat am guud idea Wunt wike dat idea!
Form a relationship of mutual benefit.
Show him how a small fluffy like you can help a big fluffy like him with things they find difficult.
1: Have him put you on his back and you can groom/scratch those hard to reach places like behind the ears etc.
2: Fetch things that fall/slide under or behind furniture that they cant reach.
In exchange you should be able to have them help you reach things you’re to short to gain access to. Or potentially boost you up to areas neither of you could reach on your own.
ex: Reaching the tv remote on the couch. Or the latch for the baby gate out of the safe room.
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Ask him what he thinks about you
Wunt wiww twy guud ideasies
That’s great, and if he tries to hurt you I recommend you take him to the hole I secretly dug in your wall.
Wunt was wundewin haw dat gut dere
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