Dingus brothers @poopiest_of_bebbehs :^)
huuhuu so many fowebbas… meanie wawas howd undah
Oh god you added more. I love.
Partner, you and I are going to do wonderful and wacky things with these three!
Intu da bwue again, afta aww da munnies gun…
Holy shit I’m actually blown away by your posts so far. Your art style looks deceptively easy, it almost looks unfinished with the grid, but everything is professional quality as far as I’m concerned. I can tell there’s not a single line that isn’t supposed to be there, and you use them to convey ideas perfectly. Looking at this genius simplicity is like reading my old Calvin and Hobbes or Peanuts comics. Definitely one to look out for.
Wowie thanks partna :^) that yees me haws
All according to keikaku…
I’m endlessly charmed by the antics of these three goofuses. I also like how the green one consistently looks like a sock puppet-
What drug did the two of you use and can I have some?
(post deleted by author)
Lmfao, what a funny and unique concept.
wetting da day go by, wet the wawas—
fluffy pony drowns