Sammy's Test, Chapter 1 (by Notimportant)

Inspired by a piece of art by Wolfram Sparks. I couldn’t find it on the site to link here. Overall this took the least amount of time for me to write out of anything I’ve posted. 2nd person is a lot quicker than 3rd person, almost to where it feels like cheating. Don’t expect a happy ending out of this one.

Your name is Sammy. You’re a big fluffy now! Days ago, you celebrated with ‘mummah’ and ‘daddeh’ by having a biiiiiiiig bowl of ‘skettis’. It was perhaps the greatest day of your life. But now, you feel an overwhelming urge. Every day on ‘Fwuff Teebee’ your favorite show comes on! ‘Big Mummah Widdew Babbehs’! You almost want to cry in happiness every time you see the star of the show, ‘Mawigowd’ coo in delight as one of her ‘babbehs’ gets up and does something cute! You want that to be you so very much. But when you go up to ‘mummah’ or ‘daddeh’ to broach the subject, they usually just tell you that they’ll “talk about it later”. But it’s been many laters! One morning, you were gently shaken awake by ‘mummah’. “Sammy…” she said, her fingers sinking into your pretty mint green ‘fwuff’. “Mmmh?” you grunted, as you opened your eyes. “Saaaaammmyyy…” ‘mummah’ continued in her sing-song tone. You always loved it when she said your ‘namesie’ like that.

“I have a surprise for you, Sammy…”

Your eyes widened as you let out a surprised gasp. “S-Supwise? F-Fow Sammy?” you asked, rising onto your leggies. You almost didn’t want to get up. Your bed is so warm and comfy, after all. But as your vision began to focus, you turned your head and saw ‘mummah’ and ‘daddeh’ standing together between a box. The box had a big red ribbon tied around it, as if beckoning you towards it. “Boxie? Boxie am supwise?” you ask, trotting over to it. You brushed your head against it, and heard an odd noise from within. “No, no, silly. The surprise is inside the box!” ‘daddeh’ said, crouching slightly to ruffle your blue mane. It took you a second to realize, but, the box was just like the one that had that big bowl of spaghetti in it! “Ooh! Sketti boxie! Sketti boxie!” you cheered, as you happily jumped and skipped around it. “Oh, dear, that’s not spaghetti…” ‘mummah’ said as you bit down on the ribbon.


With that, the ribbon came undone, and you eagerly pushed at the sides of the box, causing the flaps to open. As the light cascaded into the box, you heard a strange noise. “SCREE! TU BWITE! TU BWITE! HUHUHU!” Your eyes widened as you looked inside the box. You were met with the smell of poopies as your little jaw dropped. “Wat…? Wat dis…babbeh?” you asked, as you leaned further into the box. This certainly wasn’t a bowl of ‘sketti’ like you might have wanted. The small little ‘babbeh’ gasped as it locked eyes with you. “S-Scawy! P-Pwease! Hewp babbeh!” it cried, as it rocked itself to and fro. As you got a better look, you noticed something quite strange. This little ‘babbeh’ had no ‘weggies’! Concerned, you pulled yourself out of the box to stare glumly at both ‘mummah’ and ‘daddeh’. “M-Mummah! Daddeh! Nee’ hewp widdew babbeh! Widdew babbeh nu hab weggies!” you said, as you swished your tail.

“Oh…um…it’s okay, Sammy. That fluffy was born special. It’s a pillowfluff!”

If you had a brow, you’d be raising it right now. “Piwwowfwuff…?” you repeated the word back to yourself. But then you suddenly remembered. There was a show on ‘Fwuff Teebee’ that was about pillowfluffs! They were ‘fwuffies’ that had their ‘weggies’ taken away either due to an accident or birth defect…as far as you knew. The more you eyed up the frightened foal, the more you began to feel certain things. “Dis babbeh am tu widdew! Babbeh nee’ mummah fow miwkies!” you said, as you reached deeper inside to gently bite the foal’s scruff. “N-NU! NUUU! NU WIKE DIS! NU WAN’ UPSIES!” the foal sobbed, as you lifted it out of the box, and gently placed it on your back. The foal would bury its face into your mane, desperate to hide itself away from both you and the nearby ‘meanie hoomins’. Turning to your ‘mummah’ and ‘daddeh’, you could only offer a look of confusion.

“Wai…wai mummah’ an’ daddeh’ gib Sammy widdew babbeh piwwowfwuff?”

“Well…” ‘daddeh’ began, clearing his throat. “Me and uh…mommy…” he snickered, glancing over at her. “We decided to get you this little pillowfluff and see how you take care of it. If you do a good job, then, we’ll think about letting you have your own babies, okay?” he said, squatting down to once more ruffle your mane. He was very careful not to disturb the trembling little fluff nugget sitting on your back. “W-Weawwy?! Sammy can hab babbehs if Sammy gib dis piwwowfwuff wots’a huggies an’ wub?!” you said, tapping your hooves in excitement. You began to teeter back and forth, and hardly noticed that the little pillowfluff had begun sliding off. Only after it screeched did you realize. “B-Babbeh?!” you asked, frantically snapping your head around. Thinking quickly, ‘daddeh’ stuck his arm out and caught the fearful fluff in his palm.

“See, Sammy? Stuff like this. You gotta be more careful.”

Your eyes widened as you stood on your hind legs, trying to see the ‘babbeh’. “S-Sowwy babbeh! Sammy be gud mummah fow yu! Pwomise!” you squeaked, as you took the legless ‘babbeh’ between your hooves. “It otay, babbeh…Sammy be yu nyu mummah…” you cooed softly. The foal, for its part, began to wriggle and try to rock its way out of your grasp. “N-Nu! Nu wan’! Nu waaan!” it whined, tears streaming down its face. On its stubby little muzzle was a look you had never quite seen before. A look of despair and misery. Its eyes were right red from the tears, and its voice sounded more than a little scratchy on account of all the crying. It was if you had been given the ‘wowestest heawt huwties’ you’d ever felt. “P-Pwease nu cwy, babbeh…yu…yu gon’ make Sammy cwy too…” you begged, as snot began to trickle out of your snouth.

“S-Sammy, maybe…maybe you should let the little guy rest, okay? Just put him down in your bed. There’s still some things we’ll have to do for you.”

You let out a sad sigh, before nodding. “Otay…p-pwease nu cwy nu mowe…” you whispered, carefully holding the foal by its scruff and gently placing it on your bed. “Huuuhuuhuu! Gu ‘way! Nu wan’ see dummeh fwuffy!” it cried, before it wriggled and rocked itself underneath a fold in the bed. You weren’t sure, either, but you smelled ‘poopies’ on it, too. “O-Otay mummah…otay daddeh…” you sighed, as the two lead you out of your ‘safewoom’. It was nice, but, the there was plenty more fun to be had in the rest of the ‘howsie’! The three of you went to the living room, where ‘mummah’ bent over to scoop you up. “Heehee! Wub mummah upsies~!” you squealed, cuddling up nice and close to her. She’d take a seat on the couch, and began to roll you until your back was facing her stomach. The way you were propped up, it made you feel as if you were sitting just like ‘mummah’!

“Okay, Sammy…”

‘Daddeh’ said, as he began to gently stroke your belly. “So, for this to work, we’re going to have to give you some medicine.” He said, and you turned your head to look at the table. There were two small glass vials lined up on the table. They reminded you of your visits to the clinic. Fear crept slowly and then quickly seized at your heart. “S-Sammy nu am sickies…nu…nu need medisins…” you squeak, trying to make yourself small. ‘Mummah’ was still holding you nice and comfortably tight, denying you any chance to try and turn and bury your face under her arm. Not that your plumper-than-average body would have afforded you much chance, either. “It’ll be okay, sweetie…” ‘Mummah’ whispered, as she gently began to thread her fingers through your mane. “Mommy’s here…mommy’s here…” she continued, and the fear began to melt away. It brought back memories of that first day when the man and woman who would be your ‘mummah’ and ‘daddeh’ first met you at ‘Fwuffmawt’.

“Try to hold her up a bit more. I need to be able to get this syringe all the way there, and I don’t wanna miss. This stuff was expensive.”

“Right, dear…” ‘Mummah’ said, as ‘daddeh’ picked up one of the bottles. Not that you would be able to read it or even comprehend it, but the label was scrawled in Chinese. In English it read: “MARE MOTHER MILK DUCT INDUCEMENT SERUM”. ‘Daddeh’ would then lift a rather long syringe off the table, causing your eyes to widen. “N-Nu! MUMMAH! HEWP! HEEEEWP!” you cried, as you tried your best to struggle. “Don’t you want to take care of that little foal-fluff?” she asked, trying once more to soothe you. “He’s too little to eat on his own. He needs milk. With this, it’ll let you be able to feed him.” She said, tightening her arm around you slightly. Your tail was swishing to and fro and had even puffed out slightly out of anxiety. ‘Daddeh’ then began to drain the contents of the bottle with the syringe and flicked it a few times to ensure no air bubbles. “HUUHUUHUU!” you began to cry, as you kicked your legs. “NU WAN! NUU WAAAN! WAI DADDEH WAN’ GIB GUD FWUFFY HUWTIES?!” you shriek, as the tears flowed.

“Come on, Sammy. Be a big brave girl. Think of the little foal. He needs you, okay?”

His words were of little consolation to you. “SAMMY NU WAN’! NU CAWE! NU GIBE HUWTIES!” was all you could screech. It was very fortunate that you hadn’t had your breakfast yet, or, you might have deposited a tremendous load of poopies onto your ‘mummah’’s lap. “WAI MUMMAH NU STAWP DADDEH?!” you cried, as ‘daddeh’’s hand began to feel around close near your ‘speshuw pwace’. “SCREEEEEEEEEEEEE!” you screeched with all of your might. But it was all for naught. You began to feel the cold point of the syringe press against your flesh before it you felt it penetrate you. “SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” was what every single individual cell of your body screamed out in unison. You tried your best to thrash, but it was for naught. “D-Dammit, Clara! Hold her still!” ‘Daddeh’ said, his raised voice suddenly startling you. “Jesus, Dan, alright…” ‘mummah’ wearily replied.

There was nothing you could do to stop this.

The people who you both ‘wubbed’ and trusted the most ignored your pleas for help.

This betrayal would sit and stew in your mind for some time…at least until it was over.

Once ‘daddeh’ had pressed the plunger on the syringe and deposited the contents of the syringe deep into your uterus. It felt cold and numb. You had never felt those sensations down near your ‘speshuw pwace’ but here you were. After you had finished sobbing and pissing yourself, ‘mummah’ wiped you down with some wipes and prepared your ‘teebee bwankie’. ‘Daddeh’, for his part, prepared you a breakfast of your favorite: “Spendew’s Cwunchowama!” Perhaps one of the more interesting products put to market for fluffies; a special brand of fluffy formulated cereals. All of that crap was all the rage with so-called ‘fluffy pawents’ like ‘mummah’ and ‘daddeh’ were. ‘Daddeh’ would sit at your side, while ‘mummah’ took a shower. “It’s gonna be alright, girl. I’m sorry that it hurt. But trust me. If you can be big and brave and show us that you can take care of that little foal, then, we’ll know you’re ready to have your own babies.”

You’d snort as ‘daddeh’ brought a tissue to your nose, which you blew into.

He’d then turn on the TV and continue to gently stroke your mane as you laid there with your ‘weggies’ splayed out. “Otay…” you huffed, as you began to focus on the ‘teebee’. You couldn’t help but feel an intense itching near where ‘daddeh’ stuck the big scary needle. “Medisins gud fow Sammy den…make miwkies fow widdew babbeh…” you yawn. After a few moments of silence, you’d try to lift your head, but it felt too heavy. “Daddeh…can hewp Sammy hab nummies…? Sammy feew tuu tiwed…” you sighed. ‘Daddeh’ would chuckle to himself before nodding. “Of course, Sammy.” He replied, before he began to spoon the nummies into your mouth.

Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad…


You’ve gotten me curious as to where this is going-I wonder why that foal is so scared…

Oh I love this already. Pillowed foals are so cute. :black_heart:

Aw, tell us if you find the art piece. (And I may have to try doing a hugbox version.)

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Oh I’m sure it won’t be too bad

Probably because it is maybe a week old and in that time has had humans rip it away from its mom, cut its legs off, and shove it in a dark box.

The only description of Sammy is ‘mint’ fluff with suspicious quotations. Im curious why the pillow called her a dummy.