Sam's Diary: B-12-A Part 1 (Levy_ain_Thaun)

Sam’s Diary: B-12-A Part 1
Ok so i have to introduce myself: my name is Sam, also they call me Samuel or Mace Windu. Im 23 year old French-American individual that works in Fluff-mart Factory… Quick Backstory: My black parents moved from France to USA before i was born… and now i live in Minsesota with my parent and my 15 year old little brother that was diagnosed with most common mental dissorder, akA ADHD…

So, in my first day boss told me to memorize many rules and wished me good luck with my column and im like wtf? then this nice guy named David explained that every caretaker has his Sector and Column. Sector is basicly a huge room with “Columns” and Columns are 10 cages stacked by 4 X 5… quick example: I have Sector B and its like 26 Sectors and Column i have to take care is Column 2, which means i have to care cages numbered 11-20 and if someone has same sector but diffirent Column like number 4 this guy has to take care of Cages in Sector B but has to take care of cages numbered 41-50. So therefore are 260 mares with like 2-6 foals on averege and each one of mares has like 2-8 litters per year… but every month like 1/4 of all mares can die and we have to replace them with their young female offspring which is like at least 3 month old which in human years they are like 17-20 years old… But how we breed them? we basicly have huge-ass sperm bank and we have manually breed them using metal rods that shoot sperm cells direcly into womb… ok to actuall story;

So i woke up, ate breakfast and walked into place and started open cages from my column so i can feed foals and mommas with kibble, when i was selecting kibble they all said in joy requesting “Waffwe” Flavor, other requested “Sussauge” flavor and other wanted “Wucky Cawms” flavor so i settled up on Waffle flavored kibble, some foals where happy and some where sad but still ate their breakfast, i had to take all mares because they have chopped off hind limb, so they feed milk to they youngest offspring. Later that day i had to clean litter boxes after foals that made good poppies in litterboxes.

at like 2.00 pm i had to take all foals from Column 2 that where at least 5-6 weeks old… later i took all moms and shove up “bad metaw huggie” rod to breed them, but i found out that mare from cage nr 12 just so happens to be African Fluffy subspecies (and what are African Fluffies explenation will be in 1st ponned coment)

Later ant idk maybe 4.00 pm i took B-12 (yes thats her name) and other mommas to feed them with “Cawbonawa” flavored kibble for rewarding them for making good colors and overall being good moms… 3 days later all mares from Column 2 gave birth to at 2-5 foals. so 1 week passes and i found out that Mare from Cage n.17 has Bith Mare Syndrome, so basiclt she starved her beudifully collored yellow baby with brown strips on back like pickachu and overfeed her Bestes Babbeh which was poopie babbeh, and she had only like 3 kids so…

I took Mare from cage 17, i seperated Worstes and Bestes babbeh, and fried that we call Kaczyński made mare from cage 17 and put her for forever sleeps via euthanasia… so i gave Pika-Fluff to B-12 and named him B-12-P… later that day i czhecke don foals in B-12 and i found out that htere was this little fella that had collors like Pinkie Pie from cartoon and named him B-12-A.

So after my day i leaved and Closed Sector B saying “Good night” Which mares replied “Good niwght Dadi” and i drove home and went alseep wondering “How this lil Guy from B-17 looked like pickachu?” which i guest that will be genetic mystery…

End of Part 1 Folks, stay tuned for Part 2 and lets say that relations with B-12-P and B-12-A will not end well…


don’t forget to put your name in the title



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Levy, what are tf a Afro FLuffies?
Basicly huge group of fluffs traveled to Africa to find numies, so years later they mutated so they can resist heat. These "Race"of fluffies has short hair/fluff ,they have Manes that are usually lighter or darker in colloration but also curly and thick, also if you shave them down they will have darker skin colloration than Normal Fluffies, and why may ya ask? to resist Heat of damnsun.

Only major diffirence is that instead of Sketti they will demand Scotched Eggs under name “Scowched Eggies”