Sam's Diary: B-12-A Part 2 (By: Lev-ian-Thaun)

Sam’s Diary: B-12-A Part 2

So… week later i checked B-12 to see how she’s doing with her Pika-Foal (my nickname for B-12-P) and shhe does suprisingly well, she almost instantly started feed lil fella with her milk, sing mumma songs and even teached him how to use litterbox and her offspring almost instantly became like family with Pika-foal exept foal B-12-A… which i noticed that he started to push Pika-foal everytime when was time for milk and always was feeded last thanks to B-12-A. So after long observation i think that Foal might have Smarty Syndrome… idk when he developet that syndrome but i theorize it was when mummah took care of foal that dosent look like him and him being Best Baby… So one day i picked B-12-A from Mare and said: “i have to ask few things about this fella and i will give him back, inderstood?” then she said: “Yiss Mistah”

So me and my friend David, conducted a short interview… Our first question was if he’s smarty since he once called himself “Smart Brothe” but i thought that i misheared it, and suprisingly he said: “yes mistuh”. Later we asked him why he hated foal B-12-P and he answered nothin. And we asked again and still again, and again, and again, and again, and guest what?.. He answered nothing so after while he gave answered: “itz becaus dis fwuffy isnt smawty’s bwudda, sou dis fwuffy dosn fit into smarty’s famiwy, sou i pwotectin mumma and sibwings fwom ugwy babbeh musta”… So basicly B-12-A hates Pika-Foal because he’s not like him and “protects” his family. Basicly racism among fluffies.

So i putted B-12-A into cage and David said: “watchover your best baby and yellow baby, oki?” which mare responded “Oki”. Later that day while cleaning litterboxes i noticed that… Pika-fluff licked B-12-A’s asshole, so i took B-12-A and squizzed him in my hand and i said: “if i catch you bulling Yellow Fluff, you will be punished”

Next day, i took all foals from my Column and took to “Fluff Park” as reward of being good fluffies, in Fluff Park they can eat fruits, play with toys and blockies and meet up with othet foals from diffirent Columns. And guest what? this Shitstain B-12-A did something HORIBLE. So im eating by plate of my Alfredo and that very beutiful pastel foal runs toward me with… ugh… Bleeding “speciaw pweace”. So i pick her up and she says: “Speciaw Pweace has wowstes huwties ebah, im onwy a babbeh” , and after i calmed her up by feeding her with my pasta she explained that no other than foal named B-12-A gave her too much “Speciaw Huggies” which made my fucking blood boil… Later that day after visiting the Foal Park, my friend Kaczyński said quote: “This shitstain with huge ego has history of giving special huggies to other foal that found atractive and worthy of having babbes with him. And he got away with each incident…” so not only this Smartie abuses his brother but also rapes other foals… Thats it, i report to my boss so he can punish this shitsain, everybody has their limitations and he crossed so many fucking times… He shall be punished…

Alright, so this is Part 2 and im gonna cook up B-12-A punishment… Btw Place where Sam works aKa Fluffymart Factory has severall way of punishing smarties but rape is 100% death penalty… So stay tuned for Part 3 and i hope that hell will devour B-12-A soul


Put the little fucker in with a bunch of horny stallions. Show him what it’s like.

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