Sam's Diary: Weird Orders ( By: Levy-Ain-Thaun )

So… after i was fired from fluffymart factory i said: “screw this” and guest what? I’ve opened my own fluff store named it simply “FluffShop” and ngl like every fluffy store i’ve got a lot of wierd orders like… I LOT OF THEM, and i wont talk about all of them but at least 6 or 8 of them so they’re:

  1. Potato Order - An abuser wanted to buy a brown collored stalion, and when i asked about customization she said “Complete Potatition” i didnt knew what she talked about, so she explained that this procees consist of diping fluffy in boiling water to remove fur and limbs, basicly cheaper nuggetification. But i’ve refused because i dont sell this kind of customization to customes so she bought him and said “dont worry i do it myself” which

  2. Mumma Suprise - an pretty girl once visited store and asked if i sell “Mummah Suprise” products, i said: “no but you can pick up a foal instead okay?” then she cried and called her dad, old man said that he can simply buy at least valuable mare, so i did it only once. I ussually sell mares to other breeders or restaurants like Los Fluffos Hermanos

  3. Allmighty “Children of God” AkA PeTA - an man with PeTA shirt wanted to buy all my fluffies including all valuable mares and that one priemuim grade foal to quote “free them” into wild, but everybody that wathed Mr. L’s YT video about fluffies knew what happened so i casted my spell: I Refuse. Then he got fucking mad and screamed at me calling me names and other shit so i’ve called police, no mares/valuable stallions/foals/that one premium foal didnt got hurt only my arm was

  4. Sadistic Youtuber - some asian man once came here to buy brown foal, but i didnt had a foal, then he said: “that dosent matter, can be any foal” so i’ve sold this guy foal with decent collors at best. Two days later on my YT Page i saw a video of guy “rescuing” and “restoring” same foal i sold two days ago and he was fine, but this guy on purpouse injuried this foal to make himself look like hero…

  5. Disturbing case of Tiny Jack -A woman that aparently lost her son in accident, asked me if i have freshly newborn foal, i said “sadly not but i have this 1 week old foal” and she bought it. Like 1 month later same woman that i sold this 1 week old foal, was mentally sick and wanted to find replacement for her son… She always killed 1 month foal if it “wasnt good enought”… i wish i didnt sold this foal…

  6. Picky Customer - one day a custome wanted a fluffy that is: 7 Weeks old, has white coating, green mane, alicors, litterbox trained and overall polite. And you might be think that this isnt weird, but then… Affter said that i dont have a very specific fluufy, she called me racial slurd and even treated me with a goddam gun… So i called police once again…

  7. Nugget Order - Same abuser that ordered “Potato” wanted order nugget, once again i said that i dont have this kind of customization, so she ordered a “Mystery foal” [idea by; common_miracle] that i make myself…

  8. Talking Pig order - A man once ordered a 6 foals and dosent care about colors, he cares about meat quality, i said to him: “sorry but this isnt a slaughterhouse, and im not a damn butcher, I am a breeder” , so he asked me about quality of kibble that i give to foals, wich i said “yup, my homemade ‘kibble’ is good quality” so he ordered them… then he said “thanks for the talking pigs” and i was comfused, like i know that they looked like pigs if you remove fluff completly but i didnt understood… i finally understood when same man week later gave me his homemade egg rolls with foal cooked insode of it as “thank you for the foals” you know… Simple letter would make a job

Thats all of my top 8 weird order, and trust me world is full of wierd people and some i didnt wanted to show these weird ones like Cris-chan case, but i made exeption for Tiny Jack case because i found it interesting. Thats for today Levy-Ain_Thaun out…


I can 100% believe every bit of this in a world where fluffies exist. Especially the PETA moron.

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