Sanctum - part 2 - Sweet Introductions [ CoronaryHeatingProcedure ]

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My name is Bellamie Kuttner, the, as of now, sole owner and human occupant of a self-sustaining facility run by fluffies and me respectively.

You might have heard of me through various sources, mainly through gossip and the origin of many strange species taking traction in the market.

The best example would be, what I dubbed the “Soft Down” subspecies of fluffy.

Originally, “pillow” crossed my mind as a suitable name for the feathered semi-toys until I found the term already in use for a form of amputation. Not a good look for what the species stands for.

In the bin of scrapped ideas it went, as is fate for many of my creations.

Take the “Sippy” fluffy for example.

It was supposed to be a small subspecies, their name mirroring the “teacup” name used for smaller then average cats and dogs, with the capability to speak without the universally present lisp, which many find irritating.

The result was an above average sized species, making the name ironic, with normal humanlike speech and horrible snooty attitudes.

Beta testers for the species reported on how unnerving it was to hear what sounded disturbingly close to a human child in the middle of the night.

The species was terminated shortly after.

Back to “Soft Downs”…

Due to their internal reproductive system and nurturing nature, they spread quickly among hospitals, new parents and individuals with the need for a companion.

They are one of the best things that came out of my forsaken labs, and especially now, as I seek their help with this, I’m glad to have made the decision to continue their breeding program.

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Mulberry lays in the comfy bedding of her new home.

She would be a mummah soon, she smiles. For the first time, she would get to have babies.

Her special friend, cinnamon roll, trots over with that warm expression of her’s and nuzzles her cheek.

Her face is as relaxed as ever but somewhere in her eyes her excitement shines trough, as well as something else, worry.

Worry, as this would be their first of many litters, first of many to be dependent on their care and love, first to be sold to new homes once the time came.

She can’t lie, she isn’t the only one worried about their future.

As her partner lays herself beside her, she catches the judging glare of Glow N Dark.
The dark green mare is staring her down sternly, one eye fixed upon her while the other strays of course, seemingly inspecting the floor.

This is one of the experienced breeding mares, one with many forevers of practice she could never compare to.

She frowns uncertainly and the older mare signs, turning to her two foals that demand her immediate attention.

How were they going to make it? she wonders, gentle snoring telling her that her special friend had fallen into peaceful slumber beside her. Would they be good mummahs?

Her thoughts are interrupted by an orange mare’s singing.

" Mummah wub’s hew babbehs, babbehs wub theiw mummah. Wanna see them heawty, gwow up big an’ stwong."

The mare is tapping her hooves to her song, her beautiful glittery maroon mane moving from side to side with the movement, eyes happily closed.

Her belly is so plump and swollen that Mulberry almost didn’t notice she had no hind legs.

Suddenly, the door opens with a creek, their attention drawn to the figure slipping into the room.

Their parent has arrived!

Excitedly, the mares waddle towards them, getting lifted out their pen and put into the main play area at the center of the room, Cheery last as she needs extra help.

“Attention please.” they say, looking over the crowd of fluffies expectantly.

“Today I’ll be doing a checkup to see if everything’s alright, then you can go upstairs if you’d like. Make sure you and your babies are safe and don’t be afraid to ask for a thoughies help if you need anything, okay?”

Nodding, the fluffies move closer and are soon all clear to go.

Cheery is next, her tail wagging in excitement with such intensity that one might think it might fly off.

“Easy there, let me get a look”

They lift her up and put her onto their lap, feeling her tummy with their fingers. They smile.

“I have good news Cheery. Your babies will be here soon! Want me to take you home with me today?”

She was ecstatic, squealing in delight like a little girl, trying to give her parent the biggest huggies as they tickle their tummy, making her giggle.

“But I need to take care of something first, okay?”

“Otay, mummah.” Cheery says, her eyes full of wonder and happiness, waiting patiently on the floor.

Mulberry gulps, they are heading towards her and Cinnamon.
Hopefully nothing bad would come of this.

“Mulberry? Cinnamon?” Their voice is calm. “Could you two help me with something?”

“Yus mummah?” Cinnamon inquires beside her, laid-back as always.

They don’t say a thing as they break eye contact, pulling something out of their breast pocket and lowering it down gently. Mulberry squints, trying to make out what it is.

As it plops down in front of her, it hits her all at once. The smell, the look, that motherly feeling in her chest that makes her heart flutter with unconditional love.

There, right in front of her, is the most beautiful little foal she has ever laid her eyes on.

“Could you keep an eye on him for me?” they ask warmly.

She can’t will herself to listen, her attention solely on the little lilac colored colt before her.
“Muwbewwy get tu be mummah?” the words leave her lips absentmindedly as she looks up to meet her caretakers gaze.

“Well, yes. Don’t worry though, we’ll be taking care of him together. It’ll be good practice for when you have your own foals. What do you say?”

“Thank yu.”

She feels a wave of relief wash oder her, tears forming at the corners of her eyes, flowing down her cheek.

Cinnamon picks up the foal and puts it gently in the cradle of Mulberry’s hooves, allowing her to hug the colt close and lick the tuft of mane on his head.

“We habin hawd time ad-ju-stin…” Cinnamon Roll admits, the big would giving her trouble.

They make a nodding gesture, stroking her mane, Cinnamon leaning into it, enjoying the affection.

“I know Cinnamon, being a fist time mom can be quite nerve-wracking, especially with Glow around. Please don’t let her meanness get to you, she’s just extra overprotective of foals.”

Cinnamon flutters her wings.“Thankies, mummah. Wub ou.”

“Love you too, little cuddle bear”

Cinnamon approaches her mare friend, budding her head lovingly as they both dote over their bundle of joy.

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Kuttner walks away silently, picking up Cheery along the way, relieved that the colt’s in save hooves now.

They still aren’t sure why that person entrusted them with him.

The letter said something about wanting him to have a better life somewhere, far away from the horrible shelter they work at.

Probably heard about their facility and decided to dump him here.


Cheery nuzzles her face into the fabric of their shirt, giggling.

No use in overthinking it, he’s safe with his mums now, and this mummah right here is the cutest thing ever.

“Aren’t you the cutest? Yes you are!”

“Weeeeeee!!! Hehehe! Mummah snort sh-top! Hihihi! Tickews!”

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