The four stallions walked down the street, it was their favourite time of year, the time when humans put out big orange nummies with scary faces and burnie sticks inside. It was a time to be frightening, and this quartet loved to be frightening.
“Yu see dat dummeh mare’s face wen Bawwy make shouties.” One of the stallions, an electric blue Pegasus chuckled out.”
The large purple earthie beside him let out a low, rumbling chortle. “Hehe, mawe make wowstesh scawdie poopies, an den babbehs nu can wun way cos keep swippin in da poopies. Way nu make waughies wike dat in wongest time.”
While one half of the group enjoyed their reminiscing, the other half were much more solemn.
“Smawty, whewe am Fwuffies guin?” Jones, the young brown unicorn asked his leader timedly.
Shivers, a silver Alicorn with a blonde mane said nothing at first, he stopped for a moment to look around then pressed onwards, his face stern and serious.
“Smawty nu knyo yet, need find gud pwace tu hidies fwom hoomins, fink dis am Hawwoween Dawk Time, wots of hoomins come out wen bwite-baww gu down, aww wook wike munstahs. Nu wan wisk Fwuffies finding bad hoomins.”
“Du… du Smawty fink dat Fwuffies git in twoubew fow wha du tu Fwuffy famiwy?”
“Onwy if get caughties, bu Smawty make suwe dat nu happen.”
Jones stayed silent and followed his Smarty as he led them further out of town and towards the wooded areas surrounding them. By now the sun was most definitely setting, and the human monsters would be out soon, it seemed they had no good place to lay low, until Barry noticed something through the trees.
“Wook, oba dewe. It am buwnie-pwace.”
The others looked to where he was pointing, indeed they could all just make out a campfire burning in the old scrapyard. A place where few humans ever dared to go, but a campfire suggested at least one of them was currently inside.
“Way nu fink dat am safe.” The large Earthie spoke up. “Buwnie pwace means hoomin, Fwuffies nu wan be neaw hoomins, dat am whowe pointies.”
Shivers shook his head. “Nu, dat am vwoom-vwoom munstah foweba sweepie pwace, wikewy onwy hohboh am dewe.”
“Wha am hohboh?” asked Jones.
“Hohboh am meanie namesie fow nu homesie hoomin, dey mowe wikewy tu be nice tu Fwuffies, if dey nu hab meanie wawa. At wowth da wisk, wet’s gu.”
With Shivers leading the way, the group quickly made it to the scrapyard fence where all four of them were able to slip in through the rusted and fraying wiring quite easily. As they approached the fire, it become obvious that there was only one human there, a hobo human, and that he was asleep, surrounded by empty bottles of Meanie Wawa.
“Am he foweba sweepies?” Jones asked, staying as far back from the dirty and dishevelled man as possible.
Shivers bravely walked up and prodded the man with his hoof, the man grumbled and rolled over but his undignified manner told them he was extremely drunk.
“Dummeh hoomin am sweepies, he nu wakies foe many fowebas.”
“Du he hab anee nummies?” Asked Ray.
Shivers prodded the hobo’s pockets to feel anything. “Nu can find aneefing.”
Ray snorted in anger and rushed up to the hobo’s head, aiming his backside at the sleeping man. “Dummeh hoomin, Way wan nummies. Take sowwy-poopies!”
The four stallion turned round and saw another Fluffy crawling out from under one of the rusted vroom-vroom monsters. It was a mare, a red and orange Pegasus, and she looked worried.
“Pwease nu make bad poopies on Mistah Jay. He am gud hoomin, shawe nummies wiv Fwuffy wen he hab some. If nyu fwiends wan stay tiww bwite-time, Mistah Jay wiww hewp find nummies fow yu aww.”
The four stallions looked at each other, they weren’t sure if they could believe her, but the prospect of food in the morning was a tempting prospect.
Shivers looked over at the mare and nodded. “Ok, Fwuffies stay hewe tiww bwite-time, if yu am suwe dat hoomin wiww gib nummies fow Fwuffies.”
The mare nodded enthusiastically. “Mistah Jay wiww, Mistah Jay am gub hoomin, Fwuffy hab biggesh heawt happies tu hab nyu fwiends. Wan pway gamesies?”
Barry licked his lips and inched closer to the mare. “Suwe, Bawwy knyo gud gamesie mawe can pway wiv Bawwy. Yu knyo da gamesie; ‘Hide da sowsa….”
“BAWWY!” Shviers barked out. “Nu da timesie. It am awweady dawk-time, nu can pway gamesies nyo.”
The mare looked dejectedly. “Oh, sowwy, Fwuffy jus su cited tu hab nyu fwiends. Fwuffy am tuu cited tu sweepies, du nyu fwiends wan shawe stowies. Can teww scawy stories cos am scawy timesie.”
Ray began to bounce with excitement. “Ooh, ooh, yeh dat am gud finkie-pwace pwan. Way hab da scawiest stowy tu teww. Ebewywun come cwose, Way wan gu fiwst.”
As everyone else gathered closer to the fire to share their stories, Jones stopped to speak to Shivers first.
“Smawty, am yu suwe dis am gud pwan? Fwuffies nyu knyo mawe, wai Smawty fink she can be twusted?”
“Nu hab wots of choosies wight nyo fwiend. Hewe we hab nice wawm buwnie-pwace an maybe hab nummies in da bwite time. An if hab any pwobwems… weww she am wun mawe, Fwuffies can handew hew ee-see.”
Jones was still iffy but he stayed silent and joined the other around the campfire to listen to Ray’s tale.
Ray spoke in a low tone, trying to amplify the spook factor. “Wunce, dewe was inside Fwuffy cawwed Gud Fwuffy, an Gud Fwuffy was vewy gud Fwyffy. Su gud dat his daddeh teww him dat Gud Fwuffy git sketti for nummies cos he am su gud. Bu den nummie-time come, an wen daddeh put down da sketti dat Gud Fwuffy be finkies bout aww bwite-time, Gud Fwuffy see dat it nu am sketti…. IT AM SPWOUTS!”
The entire group gave no reaction to the spooky ending, after several moments of silence, the red mare leaned in and spoke softly.
“Um… wha am spwouts?”
“Dey gween nummie bawws dat nu taste nice, hab nun of yuh ab spwouts befowe? Yu aww am wucky.”
Barry pushed forward. “Dat was dummeh stowy. Bawwy teww yu aww WEAW scawy stowy. Wunce dewe wan stawwion cawwed Ah-doh-nis, an Ah-doh-nis was biggest, stwongesh, bestesh stawwion in da wowwd. He couwd hab anee mawe he wan, bu he onwy hab see-pwaces fow Kassandwa, da Smawty’s babbeh. Bu Kassandwa nu am intawested, teww Ah-doh-nis dat she nu wan him fow speciaw-fwiend, nu matta wha he du, she neba wan him. Teww eventooawwy, Ah-doh-nis hab enuff, he make Kassandwa him speciaw-fwiend if she wan tu ow nu. Su he sneakies intu hew sweepy-pwace tu gib hew suwpwise speciaw-huggies, bu wen he wook down at his nu-nu stik… his nu-nu stik am GONE!”
Ray yelped out in fear, Shiver and Jones jumped on surprised and shock, but the red mare stayed unfazed and confused by the story.
“Dat nu scawy, Ah-doh-nis was meanie Fwuffy, am gud fing he wose nu-nu stik.”
Shivers let out a short, awkward cough. “Um, yeh, nyu mawe fwiend am wight. Dat am dummeh stowy Bawwy.”
“Bu Smawty say….”
“Smawty say nu teww dat stowy gain. Undastan?”
Barry grumbled a bit but agreed to do as his Smarty demanded. Once the sour tempers had subsided, the red mare spoke up.
“If nun of yu mind, Fwuffy hab scawy stowy tu teww, an dis wun am twoo, it weawwy happen.”
Jones shook his head quite violently. “Nu, it am nyo vewy dawk time, Fwuffies need hab sweepies.”
Shivers chuckled as his worrisome friend. “Yu am tuu newvus Jones, am onwy wun mowe stowy. Yu gu sweepies if wan bu Fwuffies wan heaw nyu fwiend teww stowy.”
Jones went to argue, but thought better of it and stayed quiet, he nestled down in preparation for bed but stayed awake to hear the mare’s story.
The mare adopted the low tone of spooky story telling, and began. “Nu wong gu, dewe was Fwuffy famiwy who wived wiv nice hoomin mummah, dewe was Daddeh Fwuffy, Mummah Fwuffy, and thwee wittew babbehs Fwuffies, an dey aww hab gud times wiv wots of sketti an huggies an wub. Bu wun bwite-time, deiw mummah nu cwose deiw gahden gaties pwopahwy, an fouw meanie Fwuffies git inside deiw safe-homsie.”
Jones’s ears perked, and he felt a cold shiver ran down his body, none of his friends seemed to have noticed anything wrong yet but he stayed on guard just in case.
The mare continued. “Dese meanie Fwuffies were da wowstesh. Dey bweak Daddeh Fwuffy’s weggies an make him watch as dey gib Mummah Fwuffy wowstesh bad huggies oba an oba, den dey wip off Daddeh Fwuffy’s speciaw-wumps an wun of his see-pwaces, su dat wun bad Fwuffy can enf him in da poopie-pwace, an anudda can enf him in the see-pwace howe.”
Jones saw Shivers starting to tense up as well as he started to piece things together, Barry looked uneasy as something was firing in his head but he hadn’t piece it together yet, and Ray just smiled and listened to the story, unaware of how nervous his friends were getting.
The mare kept spinning her yarn. “Da meanie Fwuffies den gib aww da babbehs wowstesh stompies an foweba sweepies, before bweakin Mummah Fwuffy’s neck an weaving Daddeh Fwuffy awone wiv his foweba sweepie famiwy an nu weggies tu wun way fwom dem. His hoomin daddeh nu come bak fow many fowebas, Daddeh Fwuffy gu tu ‘Wan-Die’ Woop an neba wecova. An da meanie Fwuffies, dey fink dey aww am safe…”
Jones felt his blood turn cold as the mare’s face grew a sadistic grin and she licked her lips.
“…tiww dey make bad choosie of cwossing paths wiv Scawwett.”
A beat of silence passed through the group as everyone waited to see who would make the first move, a silence broken by Ray’s laughter.
“Heheh, Smawty, dat stowy sound wike wha Fwuffies du tu… howd on?”
Shiver’s cry for attack was swiftly cut off by Scarlett pouncing on him, she tackled the surprised Smarty to the ground, cracking his jaw in the process.
“UUUUWWWWEEEEEEHHHHH!!! Sahee hah huwsesh owe huhees?”
Barry leaped into action. “HOWD ON SMAWTY, BAWWY SABE YU!”
The blue Pegasus barely got half a step before he was interrupted by the previously assumed sleeping Hobo rolled over, a broken glass bottle in his hand which he used to pierce through Barry’s back leg, pinning him to the ground.
Ray and Jones could only watch as the Hobo sat up, ripped the dirty scarves and jackets off of his neck and revealed a disguised Jonathan Mongola underneath. Ray of course had no idea who Jonathan Mongola was, but he did recognise a bad human when he saw one.
“Dummeh hoomin, yu huwt Fwiends, Way gun gib yu wowstesh… Wha da?”
Jones watches as Jonathan grabbed Ray by the tail and yanked him into the air, then with a sickening smash, Jonathan brought Ray crashing back down onto the trapped Barry. The sheer weight of Ray’s bulk absolutely pulverised Barry in an instant, but Jonathan hammered the Earthie onto the Pegasus’ corpse over and over until Ray’s tail hairs finally gave way, leaving both stallions a horrid, bloody mess in the dirt.
Jones turned his attention back to Shivers, but if anything his situation was even worse, Scarlett had Shivers on his back and was pushing her two hoofs directly into his eyeballs, the slow but powerful force was winning out against the soft, squishy mash of the Smarty’s eyes, and blood was gushing out of Shiver’s face as he was slowly gouged for this monstrous mare.
Jones didn’t know which sounded worse, the disgusting squelch of Shiver’s eyes popping under the pressing, or the horrid croaking sound he was making as he was in too much agonising pain to cry out properly.
Eventually the croaking stopped and Shivers was dead. Jones stayed still and quiet, hoping he wouldn’t be seen, but a blood soaked Scarlett quickly turned her eyes to him, and he shit himself in fear.
The brown unicorn tried to run but Scarlett was quickly on top of him, she leapt and landed on his back, knocking the wind out of him. Before Jones could gather his breath back, Scarlett flipped him onto his back and pressed a hoof onto his chest, giving just enough pressure to be unpleasant but not cause any harm.
“An whewe da fuk am yu goin.” Scarlett snarled at him.
“Pwease, am gud Fwuffy, neba huwt dos Fwuffies, neba gib bad speciaw-huggies tu Daddeh Fwuffy ow Mummah Fwuffy, Jones’ pwomise. Pwease nu gib huwties, Jones’ nu wan huwties.”
Scarlett snickered at the pathetic sight in front of her. “Yu am wun wucky fucka. Yu see, Scawwett am habben twoubews wib hew mowawe… mowa… mowawet…”
“Morality.” Jonathan interjected.
“Fuk yuw dummeh kunty wowds Jon. Scawwett am habben twoubews wiv huwtin gud Fwuffies, nu can du it. Wight huwty in da kunt dat, bu Scawwett nu can huwt gud Fwuffies.”
Jones let out a slow sight of relief, when he instantly retracted when Scarlett leaned in to whisper in his ear.
“Bu it am gud fing yu nu am gud Fwuffy den.”
“Bu… bu… Jones nu am wying, nu gib bad huggies tu dos Fwuffies.”
“Nu tu Daddeh Fwuffy ow Mummah Fwuffy yeh. Bu wha bout da wittew babbeh, da wed wun dat yu takies way tu da wose-bush, dat yu twy tu hidies in da gwound after yu… yu sik fukin kunt.”
A steady stream of cold piss leaked out of Jones as his mind flashed with images of the red foal, and what he subjected her to in the rose-bush.
Scarlett was no longer grinning at him, if anything she was deadly serious. “Yu am da wowstesh Fwuffy, an yu desewve da wowstesah huwties. Jon, if yu pwease.”
Jones didn’t have time to react before Jonathan picked him off the ground and held him steady in one hand while the other pulled something out of his pocket that Jones couldn’t see. And before he could asked what it was there was a sharp, sudden pressure at his back.
“OWWWIIIEEESSS!!! WAI GIB HUWTIES TU…. Wait? Wai can Jones’ nu feel bak weggies nu mowe?”
“Because I paralysed you.” Jonathan explaining, placing the needle back into his pocket. “I severed the connection in your spine between your L4 and L5 vertebrae. Put simply, you’ll never walk away.”
“Bu… bu Jones need weggies, fow wun an pway, an tu gib speciaw-huggies tu pwetty mawes su can be daddeh.”
“Am yu fukin sewious?” Scarlett snapped at him. “Yu fuk a babbeh tu deth an aww yu finkies bout am wun an pway an fukin sum mowe? Yu sewfish fukin pwik, Jon deaw wiv dis mummahfuka wike we pwan.”
It didn’t take long for Jones to work out what plan the two of them had worked out, as Jonathan lobbed the unicorn onto the still burning campfire, setting him ablaze instantly.
With his back legs paralysed, all Jones could do was twist his top half away from the fire, but since all around him was fire he kept repeatedly burning himself on the smouldering logs either side of him. In desperation he looked to Scarlett, still believing that she would save him if he asked nicely. Scarlett took a step forward, and in his delirium, Jones briefly believed she would save him, until he saw the look in her eyes.
A look of pure, ravenous hunger.
Taking care to avoid the parts of Jones that were on fire, Scarlett buries her face into his torso and started ripping piece of his flesh off, digging into his cooked organs and chewing on skin and muscle and guts right in front of the still living buffet table.
Whether it was the burning or the blood loss that killed him was hard to say, but the last thing Jones saw in his life was Scarlett’s muzzle in his abdomen, tearing his liver in half with her teeth.
Jonathan watched as Jones died, pained and alone as he deserved. He gave Scarlett a few more moments of chewing before he finally spoke up.
“It fucking stinks Scarlett.”
“Scawwet nu compwain bout yuw… buwp… nummies.”
“My food doesn’t shit itself when it’s being cooked.”
“Scawwett nu knyo, Jon du wike kimchee, dat fukin stink.”
Jonathan chuckled. “Fair, I guess you got me there. You think you’ll be good here while I call the client, tell her we caught the bastards who invaded her garden?”
Scarlett looked up from the half empty shell of Jones’ corpse, blood and viscera smeared across her face. She looked at the two crushed stallions to the left of her, and the gouged out Smarty to her right, then she turned to Jonathan.
“Scawwett fink wiww be awwight.”
As Scarlett returned to her cooked meal, Jonathan took a moment to look over their work, and figured Scarlett had earned a treat, even if it did stink to high heavens.
“Happy Halloween Scarlett.”
He gave his companion a quick scratch and stood up to collect his phone and call the client.
Scarlett just burped again in response.