Scawed Stwaight Pt. 2 (AlicornEisenhorn)

Act II
Mummuh knows bestest

You are Mustaffa Abushir, world-class fluffy fixer. You don’t so much “train” fluffies, as scare mostly good fluffs out of their individual bad habits before they become real problems for their owners.

You just got done helping “butterball” a fat yellow fluff, with her food-begging problem. This involved the mouth and nasal torture of Porky, your own fat as hell demonstration tool, to the point he would never be able to enjoy the smell or taste nummies again. You would let him live another week or so, just to really savor the misery he experienced losing his favorite past time before feeding him to the shredder (nickname for your prized Doberman)

“Alright fluffs, according to this sorry card, we have a fluffy in the audience named Aqua, is that right.”

“Akwa am hewe mistah! Hewow” A small blue pegasus mare wiggled her leggs in the air in the “gib huggies” pose, but you made no move to go pick her up.

“Hewow Akwa fwend!”

“Akwa su pwetties, gib speshiew huggies?”

“Smawtey make dummeh akwa enfie mawe, make gud feews and bestest smawtey babbehs.”

“Aqua, is it true you have been bothering your mommy about wanting babies?”

“Akwa wan babbehs suuuu much. Babbehs am bestest fing eba, nee babaehs fow gib huggies and wub and gif miwkies, and…and…fow be mummah!” She smiled, satisfied with her own iron tight logic.

“Did you try to run awak from mommy to get babies recently?”

“Dummeh mummah nu wet akwa haf babbehs, su wun outsidies tu fine speshiew fwend fo speshiew huggies and make tummeh babbehs. Show mummy akwa am bestest soon mummuh, den wet akwa haf babbehs and housie.”

Gasp “Dat am su smawt, mummeh haf wet soon mummah stay in housie, den see babbehs am bestest fing eba fo mummuhs and fwuffies!”

“Waindwop twy du that tu, den daddeh wet haf babbehs!”

This was a typical story and almost a natural part of fluffy psychology and behavior, and it was no surprise how well the idea sat with the other virgin mares. But it was Your job to dropkick that stupid plan right out of their empty little skulls.

“Well today, I am going to show you why that is the worst, must dummy idea ever”


“Huuu hu huuu fwuffy nu am dummeh”

“Nu wan haf wowst idea huuu hu hu”

“Huuuu jus wan hab babbehs fo huggies an wuv”

“Esmerelda my dear, bring them out”

Your beautiful gypsy assistant brings out the fluff cart once more and opens the door to reveal an entire fluffy family. A swollen grey unicorn mare with a sky blue mane, a maroon and white earthy stallion, and four walkie, talkie foals.

“Hewow fwiends, am cwouwd, am mummuh an’ soon mummuh, dis am speshiew fwiend Bwud, and dese awe babbehs.” She held each babby up in turn, introducing them each in turn.

“Dis pinky, cuz am pink!” She held up a pink and blue pegasus filly.
“Dis am owange, cuz owange” She held her solid orange earthy colt.
“Dis wun gweenie, cuz is gween” A little green unicorn filly dangled from her hoofs.
“And dis am steve, cuz am steve” The Grey and maroon earthy stallion waved from his elevated postition to all the fluffies.

“Hewow fwiends! Yu haf such pwetty babbehs!”

“Fwuffy mummah bestest at gif namsies!”

“Huuuu wai babbeh nu haf bestest namesies wike steve?”

“He, gif bwud foweba sweepies, den cwouwd get gib speciew huggies and good feews, make samwtey bestest steveie babbehs.”

The family looked excited for all the attention; blood, the stallion, was more cautious and skeptical than the others.

“Now that everyone has gotten acquainted with each other, let’s see how things play out when fluffies don’t listen to their mommies and daddies.”

The curtain goes up, and Esmerelda exits stage right, leaving you off to the edge of stage left to watch the fun. You regret not getting to take part directly, but this was a less subtle lesson and would harm your credibility with the fluffs if you joined in.

The stage was set to look like a lovely little park, with astro turf, and fake flowers set up, along with a little bench where two local teenagers who worked for you part time were sitting, lost in conversation. You provide the set up.

“Cloud here used to live in a big nice house with her mommy and daddy. But one day, she started begging to have babies. Mommy and daddy said no, so cloud ran away, and found Blood. He gave her special huggies and soon she had four pretty babies. Before the babies were all grown up though, cloud wanted even more babies, so she got speshial huggies again!”

All of this was actually true, you got the story from the little dumbasses when you lured them into your van at the park.

“Now, the cold times are coming, and there are not very many nummies to be found. Cloud needs to find a mommy and daddy soon, or her babies and tummy babies will be very hungry, and maybe even go forever sleepies”

“Nuuu cowd am bad fowe babbehs!”

“Mummuh, wan miwkies, nu wan be hungie wike cwouwd babbehs”

“Smawtey hungwie nao, GIB SKETTIES DUMMEH”

The stars of the show looked worried at this announcement, and instinct kicked in, driving them to approach the two seemingly friendly teenagers.

“Hewow mistuh an wadie.”

“Oh hey, look stacy, a fluffy family.”

“Oh I heard about those Chad, they say they really love hugs”

Their acting skills were lacking, but it was their other talents that you hired them for, and not just the ones involving Stacy’s tongue stud.

“Das wite! Fwuffies awe fo huggies an wuv! Soon mummuh cwouwd need new homie fow babbehs and tummeh babbehs and speshiew fwiend bwud befowe cowd times”

“What happened to your family little fluffy horse?”

“Huuu meanie mummuh nu wet cwouwd haf babbehs, su wun way tu haf speshiew huggies an babbehs. Now am bestest mummuh an soon mummuh wif bestest babbehs”

“Huuuu babbeh nu am bestest babbeh? Mummuh nu wuv?”

“Nuuuu tuwip an bestest mummuh, nu dummeh cwouwd!”


The sorry stick silences them again.

“You ran away from your mommy? So that means you don’t have a mommy?”

“Uuuh…yus, das wut wun way fwom mummuh mean siwwy dummeh mummuh.”

“Did you just call me a fukin dummy!?”

“Huuuu hu hu nu wike meanie wowds. Gib fwuffy heawt saddies”

“Nu yew at speshiew fwend munstuh hoomin! Gib wawm houseie an nummies fow soon mummuh and babbehs ow get wowstest hewties!”

“Oh this is going to be fun.” Says “Chad” as he reaches down and grabs Blood by the scruff and yanks him up hard.

“Nuuuu bad upsies gif wowstest fwuff owies! Wet fwuffy down huuuuuu hu hu”

“Whats wrong shitrat? I thought you were going to give me wowstest hewties” he mocked the creatures idiotic voice and pointless threats.

“Huuuu fwuffy jus wan pwotect famiwy, get safe homesies fow cowd times fow babbehs and soon mummuh, nu wan scawey munsta hewties. Pwease wet down, am gud fwuffy. Famiwy need daddeh”

“Cloud decided to find her own special friend without her mommies permission. Fluffies are only every supposed to get special huggies with special friends their mommy’s and daddy’s say yes too. Blood did not have permission from mommy, so that makes blood a bad special friend. And because he was bad, he is going to get the worstest hurties and go awaw.

“Cwouwd wose speshiew fwend? Bwud get hewties? Huuuu nu wan wose bwud, bwud am babbeh daddeh, need bwud fo hewp gib babbehs huggies and wub and fow find numies fow tummeh babbehs.”

“Mustah gon take bwud fwom speshiew fwend? Nuuuuu! Nu take bwud, nee be wif babbehs! Huuuuu hu huuu wet down nao pwease munstah” All tough talk having gone out of him, he resorted to begging like almost all fluffies eventually do. “Am gud fwuffy, am gud species fwien, am good daddeeeeeh huuu huuuu huuuuuuuuuu!”

“Threaten me you little dish rag, let’s see how special you are to your friend without legs.” Chad pulled a large hunting knife from his belt and used the serrated edge on the back to begin sawing away at the soft flesh of the bio toy.


In just a few strokes, the front two legs were both lying on the ground in front of the pregnant dam and fluff and blood clung to the teeth of the knife.

“Look at all those hearties Blood is getting because Cloud decided to be a bad fluffy and find a special friend! If she hadn’t run away, then Blood would still have his leggies”

“Huuuuu wai cwouwd make weggies gu way? Nu wuv bwud nu mowe? Huuuuuuu bwud hate meanie speshiew fwiend. Wan weggies baaaack huuuuu hu hu huuuuu”

“Soon mummuh make meanie munstuh hoomins take fwuffy’s weggies? Fwuffy hewt cuz cwouwd wun way fow babbehs?” The target of this demonstration asked.

“That’s right Aqua, if she hadn’t run away like a bad fluffy, there would be no hurties.”

“Huuuuu nu wan fwuffy get huwties, jus wan be mummuh, wan babbehs.”

“Well bad things happen when fluffies want things. That’s why its good to never want or ask for anything, and to be happy with what mommy and daddy give you.”

“Bu…buh babbehs am bestest fing eva”

“I see you still don’t understand. Let’s keep watching and see what other scary things happen when bad fluffies run away.”

“Pwease munstah, gib species fwiend weggies back! Soon mummuh nee species fwiend fow find nummies and hug babbehs huuuuu”

“Why did your dumb ass get knocked up when you already had babbies? Especially before wint…cold times? That sounds like something a dumb trailer trash bitch would do.”

“Huuuuu nu mowe meanie wowds! Species fwiend wan species huggies, mummah wuv babbehs suuuu much, wan mowe babbehs, babbehs am bestest ting eba, so wots’a babbehs am even mow bestest, nuh knu bout cowd timesies”

“Ha! So your crippled little asshole husband got horny and couldn’t wait huh? And because of that, all your babies are going to starve and freeze this winter and die.”

“NUUUUUU huuuuuu hu, nu wan babbehs take foweba sweepies, wan wawm housie fow babbehs and tummeh babbehs, wan happy famiwy wike used tu hab wif mummuuuuuuuh”

“Sounds like you shouldn’t have run away then shitrat. But don’t worry, I won’t let your babies die from cold and “tummy owies”

“Huuuuu mista and wadie sabe babbehs? Gib howsie and nummies fow famiwy?”

“YAAAAAAAY Hoomins sabe fwuffy’s”

“Babbehs nu get foweba sweepies, dey suuuu nicie?”

“Akwa hewt saddies gu way, wuv happy endin”

“Smawtey haf make poopies, come ewe ugwy uncie tom, you num poopies”


“Huuuu meaniest wowd eba huuuuu!”

“I’m not going to save your little shit rats, I’m going to kill them myself before they get a chance to starve.”

“Nuuuuuuuu!!! Nu hewt babbehs!!!”

“Bud sabe you babbehs!!! Dadeh hewe! Huuu pwease wowk weggies, nee sabe famiwy!”

Stacey reached down and snatched up the peeping frightened foals away from the fat dam before she knew what was happening. They cried out in terror and released a flood of shit and piss.

“Heeeewp!!! Mummuh sabe babbehs!”
“Bad uppsies am bad fow babbehs huuu”
“Wai meanie take fwom mummuh huuuu”
“Pwease nu hewties wady, am onwo widdew babbeh”

“Babbehs!!! Nuuuu Babbehs nee be wif mummuh, nu bad upsies, gib back gib back gib baaaack huuu hu huuuu” The swollen fluff beat her little marshmallow hoofs against stacies leg, with all the effect one would expect. That is to say, none.

“Which one is your “bestest baby” bitch? If you don’t answer, I’ll eat them all right here and now.”

“Huuuu pwease nuh hewt bestest babbeh, mummuh wuv aww babbehs su much, wuv bestest even mowe!”

“Tell me!” Stacey started to twist the orange fluffs ear, earning a satisfying “SCREEEEEE mummuh hewp babbeh! Wowstest ewe hewties!!! Huuuuuuu”

“Huuuuuu mummuh sowy, nu hewt babbeh heaw pwace! Nee fow heaw mummuh song huuuuu Bestest babbeh am steve huuuuuu wook wike mummuh and daddeh”

“Ok, you can keep steve then, but if you try and run away, I’ll give your tummy the worst hurties ever, and you will lose all your tummy babies.”

“Huuuu pwease gib steve babbeh backsies, nu wan tummeh owies, am bad fow tummeh babbehs, mummuh pwomise nu wun.”

Stacy hands back the little grey and maroon colt with the weird name, who gratefully buries himself in his mothers fluff and hides his eyes from the horror to come.

“Huuuuu mummuh nu wuv pinky? Nu sabe babbeh?”
“Meanie mummuh weab gweenie fowe hewty munstuuuuuh huuu huuu”
“Wai mummuh wan meanie hoomins gif owange hewwties? Am bad babbeh? Huuu hu huuu”

“Huuuu mummuh sowwy babbehs, nu wan be bad mummuh huuuuu bu nu wan awe babbehs and tummeh babbehs tu get foweba sweepies huuuuuu”

“Ha, this is great, let’s go, have to keep our promise. Let me see that green one.”

Stacy handed Chad the frightened and emptied green filly, who peeped, chirped and “huuu’ed” whole short trip.

“Hello little fluff. Your momma chose you to get big hearties and forever sleepies. She must really hate you. I wonder what made you such a bad baby that even your own mom wants you dead.”

“Huuuuu hu huuuuu nu wan be bad babbeh, nu wan heawties and foweba sweepies, wan mummun, wan huggies, wan wuuuuv, am onwy wittew babbeeeeeeh huuu huuuu”

“Sorry, not my call. She made her choice. Now let’s see, where to start. Oh! I know!.”
Chad puts his knife away and retrieves a small multi tool from his back pocket. He flicks it open to the needle nose pliers and sets his eyes on what was probably the fluffs most prized feature. Without a word of explanation, he clamps down on the tiny horn and starts to pull, careful to keep a grip on the fillys head so he doesn’t just yank it off and end things too soon.

“SCREEEEEE NUUUUU NU TAKE BABBEH HOWNSIE!!! Huuuuu wub hown, make babbeh spechuw wike mummuh!!! Wuv hown, pweeeeEEEEEEEEASE!!!”

She screamed in torment as Chad started to gently twist clockwise, the roots of the little fingernail like stub tearing from her scalp until it pulled away with a lovely pop, leaving a bald, bloody patch of skull underneath exposed painfully to the air.

“SCREEEEEEE WOWSTEST HEAD HEAWTIESS!!! Huuuuuu babbeh nu am hownie babbeh, hown gooooone huuu huuuu nu wike mummuh no mowe!!!”

“That’s right, now you are an ugle, no horn fluffy baby, your momma must hate you even more now”

“Huuuuu wai take babbeh pwetty hown! Babbeh nee huggies fow make gwow back, giv babbeh pwease mistuh huuuu hu!”

“That’s not how this works bitch. You had your choice. Deal with it. Back to you greenie. What next?”

“Huuuuu gib babbeh back tu mummuh? Pwease?”

“What part of your mom want’s you to die don’t you understand? Now, I think I know what to do now. Do you like your green fluff?”

“Huuuu babbeh wuv gweenie fwuff. Am su pwetty and wawm. Gud fow mistuh tu give petsies.”

“Yeah not happening. Well I think your fluff is ugly. It looks like sicky poopies.”

“Nuuuuu huu huuuu nu am ugwy fwuff.”

“Yes, it is. And I’m tired of seeing it.” He took the pliers and pinched the little flap of skin at the edge of the horn wound. Giving it a bit of a tug, the fragile fluff skin began to tear and pull away from the skull.


He continued to pull until he felt confident he had enough that it wouldn’t just rip and break off, and gave a swift tug, honed from many years of hunting and skinning rabbits, and the whole of the fluffy’s demise came away with a bloody schlop leaving a wheezing screeching mess”

The little critter got it’s wish, as the stress and pain overloaded it’s little brain and heart and it finally collapsed in a dead, bloody wet sausage pile.

“Babbeh nuuuuuuuu!!! Huuuuu hu huuuu nu go foweba sweepies, gib babbeh fwuff back munstuh!!!”

“Nah, this poopie fluff only belongs in a poopie place….his poopie place!” Chad takes the floody pelt and shoves it straight up the armless stallions asshole to a symphony of “SCREEEEEEE NU TUCH POOPIE PWACE!!! WOWSTEST HEWTIES AND SADDIES HUUUUUUUUU NU WAAAAN”

“God I love these fucking things. Gimme the Orange one, I got a great idea.”

“Ok, but the other two are mine.” Stacy handed over the shivering, pissing foal, her loins aching from the sight of the fuck pigs misery.

“P-p-pweeeaaaase munstah nu daddeh, nu hewt owange. Am onwy wittwe babbeh. Nu wan wose fuff an go foweba sweepies wike sissy huuuuu hu huuuu just wan nyu daddeh and wuv and toysies.”

“Oh, really? You want toys?”

“Huuuu huuu yus, babbeh wan toysies su bad. Neba haf befow, mummuh said owd meanie nu babbeh’s mummuh gif mew wots of toysies wike baw an bwokies.”

“Sounds like your mommy was a real dummy to run away from all those toys. Now instead of toys and love, her babies get hurties and death.”

“Huuuuu pwease nu hewt babbeh, wan wuv and pway.”

“Well I have a toy for you, would that make you happy?”

“Huuuu mistew weave haf toysie fow owange? Nu wie?”

“I do, and it’s a a really fun toy. I even have a game that goes with it.”

Sniff Babbeh wuv gamesies. Mistah pway game wif owange?”

“Absolutely. It’s called “Mouth or poopie place” and it’s super fun.”

“How pway mouf ow poopie pwace? Nu wike poopies.”

“It’s really easy. I am going to take this meanie pinchy toy, and put it in your mouth, or your poopie place. The game is, you have to choose! Doesn’t that sound fun?”

“Nuuuuuuu nu wan meanie toy in mouf ow poopie pwace, nu wan pway meanie munstuh game huuuu hu hu”

“You ungrateful little brat. You just said you always wanted toys, and now you won’t play? Well if you don’t choose, then I am going to rip off all your legging and make your sissy eat them, and then shove you in her poopie place!”

“Nuuuuu nu wan bwudda in poopie pwace!!! Why su meanie tu babbeh huuuu am onwy wittew babbeh, nu am fow owies, am fow huggies and wuv huuuuu”

“If I hear one of you say that again I am going to eat you alive from the feet up!”

“Huuuuu nu num babbeh huuuuuuuu”

“Huuuuu nu wan be in sissy poopie pwace, nu wan wose weggie huuuu huuu”

“Then choose, poopie place, or mouth.”

“Huuuu babbeh….bebbeh choose mouf. Fings am spose go in moufie, nu spose go in poopie pwace.”

“Dissapointing, but I respect your logic. Let’s go!” Chad jams the pliers straight down the fluffs esophagus, breaking a few teeth and tearing the soft flesh within as he did.

“SHHHHCREEEEEEEEEEHHHHHAAWWWGGLGLLLALG” The foal gargled around the stainless steel, unable to articulate it’s pain properly.

“Now, let’s see how soft you things really are.” He grabs each handle of the tool, and with a powerful YANK pulls them apart, splitting the fluff in half with an explosive gush of blood and gore.

“Babbeh nuuuuuu”

“HA HA HA HAAAAA Damn these things are great.”

“You’re fucking sick dude.”

“Like you’re any better. I’ve seen what you do to these things on your OnlyFluff’s page.”

“Ha yeah fair enough. My turn.”

“Pwease scawy wady, nu hewt pinky. Awedy haff wowstest hewt hewties fwum mummuh hatin babbeh and see bwudda an sissy get wowstest foweba sweepies.”

“Sorry little bitch, but your mommy already said to kill you, and I didn’t get my turn with your brother and sister, so it’s gotta be you.”

“Huuuuuu nu wan hewties!!!”

“Hey, not all hurties are bad. There are some hurties that actually feel really good.”

“Hu hu huu gud hewties? Dat nu make sense do? Heawties am bad fo babbehs.”

“No I promise. There are hurties that feel soooo good, and they make you even more pretty.”

“Babbeh wuv be pwetty. Mummuh said haf pwetiest pink fwuff.”

“Well I bet I can make you even prettier, would you like that?”

“Huuu fwuffy nu wan hewties…but wan be pwetty.”

“It’s settled then. Let’s make you the prettiest, sexiest fluffy in the whole world. All the stallions will wanna give you special huggies.” Stacy reached up and removed her septum piercing, a small gold loop, but huge for a babby fluffy.”

“Babbeh am tu smaw fow spechiew-SCREEEEEEEEEE” The filly shrieked in agony as the piercing jammed through her little snout, cartilage and all. The loop was practically the size of her whole face, and hung down past her mouth.


“You are pretty! You look like such a cute, rebellious little filly.”

“Huuuuu wut am webewwius? Huuu nu wike meanie noise hoop. Pwease take owt.”

“No way, not while we are still making you the prettiest fluffy ever. You know what kind of piercing get’s all my special friends really “happy”?”

“Huuu nu kno, tu widdwe fo speciew fwiend. Am just widdwe babbeh.”

“I think you are a pretty grown-up fluffy. You are ready for grownup things.”

“Baabbeh am big fwuffy? Huuu ouchie nosie wing suh heavy huuuu”

“That’s right. Hold still, and I’ll give you the bestest grown up pretty thing ever.”

“Huuu otay…pwease nu hewties doh”

“I am going to put a pretty shiny thing in your milky places, just like mine! That will make you the most popular little filly around.”

“Buh am babbeh, nu have miwky pwaces wike mummuuuhhhhhhscreeeeeeeEEEEEE!!!” The filly loses her mind as a brass pin jams through one side of her lower abdomen, right where her undeveloped crotch tits would someday pop up, and through the other side. She kicked and flailed her little leggs like mad from the pain and the shock, but nothing made it go away.

“Wowstest tummy owies!!! Huuuuuu nu hewt babbeh, nee dose pwaces fow make miwkies fow babbehs when am big fwuffyyyyyyyy huuuuu hu hu huuuuu”

“I don’t think you are going to have to worry about that sweety.”

“Huuuu wai come huuuu wittew miwkie pwaces haf pointy fing huuuu nu make miwkies gud huuu hu huuuu nu wan be pwetty huuuuu”

“Because now you get forever sleepies dumbass.” She finishes off the annoying little brat by taking another piercing from her eyebrow, a steel stud, and jamming the point straight down through the top of the skull.

“Nubub wubna hewtiesh mumbuuuhh nyuuuuuu huuuu. Blabbe swawed, sabew bwabebbbsssss”

“I think you just derped it, it’s still alive.”

“Ah close enough, this is funnier.”

“Huuuuuuu nuuuuuuu hu huuuu wai hewt pwetty babbeh huuuuu nu mowe, nu mowe saddies pweassseeee wet fwuffy and bestest stevie babbeh gu now pweeeaaaase”

“Well, we did say we wouldn’t kill your bestest baby.”

Chad bends down and grabs the terrified grey foal from it’s mommas fluff.”

Peep Peep “Bad upsies, mummuh sabe babbeh pwease, nu wan foweba sweepies huuuuu”


“I did, and I meant it. I’m not going to give him sleepies. Your special friend is.”

“Nuuuuuu Bwud nu hewt babbeh! Wuv babbehs, hatchu fow hewt family!!!” The little shit had a lot of spirit left in him for someone who was missing their front leggs, and had an ass full of his daughters skin.

“Let’s just see about that.” Chad takes the chirping foal and shoves him head first right down the scowling stallions gullet. He kicks his tiny leggs, but is too deep and tightly wedged to wriggle out. Blood gargles and chokes around the foal, panick screaming in his eyes, but without his arms, there was nothing he could do.

“Nuuuuu spechiew fwend nu num babbeh! Spit outsies pweeaaase, am wast babbeh! Huuuuu” Cloud tries to run to him to save her offspring, but Stacy grabs her by the scruff and holds her still.

“GACK, SCRELLLL CHKKKKKKK” Was the only reply she got from Blood, as he thrashed about, eyes bugging as he came to realize what was going to happen next. The babies kicking slowed, the stream of shit from it’s ass pettering out, as it finally stopped moving all together.

“Nuuuu huu huuuuu babbeh nu move nu mowe, gu foweba sweepies huuuuu hatchu speshew fwiend, wain nu sabe babbeeeehh huu huuu” That hatred would be the last thing Blood ever heard as he slipped away into that long goodnight.

“That everyone, is what happens to bad fluffy’s who run awak from mommies and daddies looking for babbies. They get bad special friends, who give them bad babies, and meet bad monster humans who give them forever sleepies and big hurties.

“Bu…bu mummuh haf one babbeh weft. Pinky babbeh am act siwwy, but am awive. Can mummuh pwease keep-CRUNCH “EEEEEEEEE WAST BABBEH!!!’

“Sorry bitch, I told you you weren’t getting her back.” Chad smashed the derpy little foal hard under his heel as the mare cried her eyes out.”

“Huuuuuu akwa haf su many saddies huuuuu wai meanie fwuffy mummuh wet babbehs gu foweba sweepies. Was jus widdew babbehs. Babbehs fow huggies and wuv and dwink miwkies, nu fow hewties”

“Because she was a bad mummuh Aqua, just like all fluffy’s who run away from home.”

“Nuuuu mummuh nu bad, stiw am soon mummuh, tummuh babbehs bown soon, gif aw du wuv and miwkies and mummuh songs in da wowd, pwomise huuuuuuu”

“I’m sorry Cloud, but I don’t think you will.” The curtain had come down, Chad and stacy were not to be seen and Cloud was alone except for Uncle Tom and Mustaffa.

“Wut mistuh mean? Can few tummuh babbehs, am movin suuu much, time fow bigges poopies soon.”

“Come here sweetheart, let me look at you.” You pick her up gently and give her a scratchy on her head, calming her down before the grand finale.

“Let me check our tummy babies for you, to see if they are still happy. Here, have a treat while daddy checks them.” You pull a chocolate-flavored treat from your pocket and present it to the traumatized dam, who greedily gobbles it up. And rolls on her side. She trusts you, as she should, you had been acting as her daddy for a week now, pampering and loving her and her family, though understanding you weren’t her daddy.

You pull up a stethoscope and hold it to her rotund belly, you hear the thumping of little heartbeats, and hear them wriggling around in their amniotic sack.

“Oh no, that’s terrible.”

“Wu happen, wut happen tu tummeh babbehs! Nee mummuh song? Mummuh wuv babbehs, babbehs wuv mummuh, dwing miwkies soon, giv wotsa wuv”

“Oh no, they hate that even more. They say you are a bad mummuh. The worst mummuh ever. You let all their brothers and sisters and their daddy get hurties and forever sleepies. They are soooo scared of you.”



“Mummuh wet famiwy take foweba sweepies huuu babbehs no wan scawey mummuh”

“Huuuuu am saddest fing fwuffy eva heaw evaaaaa huuu hu huuu”

“Stahp cwyin dummehs! Tu wowd fow smawtey! Wan see dummeh mawe get foweba sweepies fow be bad fwuffy”

The audience was shocked by this. This would be the most apocalyptically terrible thing for any mother to hear, it went against their very programming.

“NUUUUU HU HUU HUUUUUUUUU NU HATE MUMMUH BABBEHS! MUMMUH SOWY FOW NU SAVE FAMIWYYYYYY SU SCAWED FOW TUMMEH BABBEHS, PWEASE WUV MUMMUH, HEAWT HUTTIES TU BIGG HUUUUUUUUU” The horror of those statements was almost enough to keel the bitch over, but she clung to life in the hope her babbies could forgive her.

Unfortunately, the “Foal be gone” abortion medicine you’d fed her was kicking in, and you could hear, and feel, as each little fetus slowd their wiggles and their heartbeats one by one, until there was nothing left

“Babbehs? Babbehs! Wai nu move nu mowe! Wai mummuh nu free babbehs!!! Huuuuu hu huuuuu tummeh babbehs nu wuv mummuh, take foweba sweepies? Wowst mummuh evaaaaaaa HUUUUUUU HU HUUUUUUU”

“I think you’re right Cloud. You are probably the worst fluffy momma ever. By running away, you had a bad special friend, bad special huggies, bad babies, and bad tummy babies, and those mean monsters you tried to talk to took all of them away from you, because they could tell what a bad fluffy you are.”

“F-fwuffy weawy am bad? Heawties am aw mummuh’s fawt?”

“You aren’t a mummuh anymore Cloud, remember? And you never will be again.”


You stick the surgical instrument up her snatch, squeezing the spring loaded trigger and opening the grappling hook shaped claws. You gave it a few twists and made a stiring motion, before pulling it out in a swift SCHLORP and the abominations dead foals and womba ll game flopping out in a bloody mess.

“Because you were the worst fluffy mom ever, now you can’t have any more special huggies, or babies. Because bad fluffies never get babies, only biggest saddies. Right Aqua?”

“Huuuuuu Akwa nu wan wowstest heart heawties and speciew pwace heawties. Have nu babbehs betta den wose aw babbehs, dat am wowst ting eba. Just wan mummuh and toysies and wuv huuuu hu huuuuu”

“That’s great Aqua! That makes you the nicest, bestest fluffy ever. So you promise never to ask mommy for babies again?”

“Nuuuuuu nu wan babbehs, nu wan hewties, nu wan saddies and meanie outidies munstahs huuu hu huuu.”

“Your mommy is going to have such big heart happies to hear that Aqua. Now, let’s all take a good poopies break, and see who is on the next sorry card” You have Esmerelda collect the inconsolable and near catatonic fluffy on your wheely table, and call in the interns (Local abuse fanatics) to heard the fluffies to a large sandbox you use as a mass litterbox while the janitor fluffy come and clean up the mess left by all the scardey poopie and piss as you ready yourself and Uncle Tom for the next act.

Chapter 3


That would definitely scare anyone out of having kids.

Including ones like Chad and Stacy.


I’d like that annoying smarty to be tortured and killed in front of the other shit rats.


Sshhhhh no spoilers


So good.

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