scawy! (Kai)

i figure the purple one just climbed up there itself (wub spwowe!) but i’ll leave it up to interpretation


Too bad it doesnt have wings.
A pegasus, thats afraid of heights.


omg… why didn’t i think of that

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Quick !
You can still edit wings in !

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VERY cute! Reminds me of when I climbed to the top of a jungle gym as a kid and got too scared to get down so they called my parents.


How dumb of them both. And somehow both will end up in the toilet and meeting their end.


I like to think the purple one went up there to make “good peepees in big smawty hoomin wittabox”, but due to its own idiocy is now making bad peepees on the toilet lid.


potentiaI sorry ToiIet scenario?

keep hitting it and it might crack enough to drown them in a spray of toilet water

he’ll be hitting for a while, then. fluffy hooves have about as much destructive power as a marshmallow

fair but it will be amusing to see them try and fail at that task

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Aw, just a slice of life, wub! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Aaagh!! Move em! I gotta use the can!!