Scawy Smawty Give Sowwy Hoofsies + Art Process (Star-The-Alicorn)


That mouth gives me the ‘Awwwwwwhhhh’ chanting musical voice from gangsters paradise vibes.


The style reminds of old Disney animations, nicely done!


I love that their teeth are all molars. No sheering ability for anything stronger than a fluffy.


This but a flesh wound !

I also like your strong inking work.
My line work is generally fairly light and my inking is weak.
I should do heavy outlines more.

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I always liked those parts the best of Gangsta’s paradise if I’m honest


As I walk through the valley where I shepherd my fluff;
I’m accosted by a smarty who believes he’s some kinda tough.
And I’ve been beatin’ and kickin’ so long;
I can’t even think where my sorry stick’s gone.

But I ain’t never smashed a smarty that didn’t deserve it;
a smarty with no 'tude? You know that’s un heard of.
“Ya better watch” out I say, looking in to his eyes;
Homie shut your mouth or you and your herd dies.

I wipe away the sweat, a breeze on my brow;
As they croak, I take out a smoke, light up the damned fools
I’m the kinda A the little fluffies fear at night,
In their beds praying I don’t carry them to the after life!

Been spendin’ most my life ruinin’ some fluffy’s paradise
Been spendin’ most my life ruinin’ some fluffy’s paradise
Keep spendin’ most my life ruinin’ some fluffy’s paradise
Keep spendin’ most my life ruinin’ some fluffy’s paradise


NICE parody!!

National geographic presents…

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Fluffy Manor, series 3, episode 1.

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Tis but a scratch

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He’s gonna bite yer legs off !

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It also makes them look so uncanny… like wtf is this maw full of huge flat human-like teeth doing on a toy horse? Very disturbing.