School's Megaherd Invasion (By Remarkable_Sue)

// I was bored in class and wrote this. So I’m sharing it. Enjoy n_n

Y/N woke up and did their daily routine to get ready for high school. Wake up, stretch, have breakfast, a mile run, shower, change, and take lunch and bag to wait for the bus at the end of the street. They pass by two fluffies digging around in a knocked over trashcan. They ignore them and kept walking. They’re the first one there and waits. No one else comes to the bus stop when the bus came. Same thing on the bus, barely anyone was there.
“Barely anyone today. I guess they took Jesse’s word seriously.” The teen thought. They take their seat and looks out the window.

The bus ride was 30 minutes long. Y/N gets off the bus and even before they left the bus, the smell of urine, blood, and feces hit their face. They almost lost their breakfast as they used their shirt to cover their nose. All around the school was fluffies. At least a thousand of them or so. Fluffies in the football field, fluffies inside the building, even fluffies on the roof. The school was in shambles as well. The outside walls was vandalized by the bowels and fluids of fluffies, windows were smashed in, the doors were bent, and who knows what the inside looks.
“Oh my god! The hell is going on!?” Y/N yelled. They ran back into the bus where the bus driver looks concerned. He let everyone back on and closed the doors before any fluffies got in.

“Bro! Don’t come to school! Fluffies are ruining the school, there’s bowls and entrails everywhere! They’re even inside too… I’m not lying!”

“Dude we should kill them! They’re ruining the school!”
“Nah, I’m not ruining these shoes! Fuck that school!”


  1. Wait in the bus
  2. Goes back out to kill some fluffies
  3. Call friends

Doomslayer time. Its time to rip and tear, until it is done. Kill fluffies


Call friends, AND THEN go on a killing spree


Time to make the rape of najing on the fluffies​:japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre:


funny story
whenever I played civ5 Сhina was always next to me. and Nanjing was ALWAYS stood close to my borders preventing me from developing. In total, I committed 7 Nanjing massacres because of this


Channel your inner civ ghandi, nuclear armageddon


I played a game recently, trying to go for historical borders. And Canada, the Aztecs and for some reason Japan (who had taken Alaska) kept trying to take my territory. So I just took over Mexico and annihilated the Canadian barbarians.

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Hey have you seen Netflix castlevania?


unfortunatly, no

Its great😁

I’m sorry for what your about to see content://

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don’t worry. i can’t see it anyway for some reason

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looks rad

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Shows up as an android link. Cant click on it.

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That my favorite scene, its great😁

Hmm lemme try to fix it c6eed2e21f78628cf642c0792e4b1b79f233a9e8460934d4b628f9f08527fbf8_1


Glorifying the Rape of Nanjing is pretty fucked up. Just leaving my two cents.


This might sound dumb, didn’t know that was a thing. Thought it was made up for a joke.


well yeah. a litteral non ironic war crime of ww2