Based on Trotting along draging along (FluffyBooru ID: 39746 & 40110) (Artist: Ranve)
Told ya we had the tech!
**Hope this pic don’t cause any problem o.o’ since the original artist from the piece its based on is not in the site, i didn’t know how id ask for permission.
If this is against the TOS i’ll be ok if it’s taken down
Doctor Marbas inspects your work-hmmmm nice nice work couldn’t have done it better myself-thumbs up with his signature grin-i look forward to your accomplishments in the future
Was surprised she survived with all her entrails exposed to the elements
nothing some antibiotics, cyperpunk level tech and bandaids can’t fix 
Did you ask the original artist permission to make this continuation? I’ve noticed recently you have done a lot of derivative works from others. Now its ok if people say you can do so, but it would be really rude to just “fix” a work. People on both sides of hugbox and abusebox sometimes on this to antagonize one another. 
I always ask for permission, but since the original was a piece by an artist not on the site i dont know if permission would be needed (plus this is clearly weirdbox territory and dont mean nothing against the original artist nor a way to “fix” the original and is all done in good fun)
Still whether an artist is part of the community site or not, you should always ask for permission. This community has some issues with high factionalization (I.e. See Shit-Edits, Abuse-Fixes, and other incidents) and what may be good intent may upset or bother others. I have just noticed a lot of continuation works from you recently, just be sure the artists are ok with it, otherwise it is a shit storm waiting to happen.
i understand the concern, and maybe i did jump the gun on this one based simply on a silly comment on the original piece here.
If there is any problem with this pic the moderation is free to take it down, and i’ll understand completely
It just boils down to how volatile people can get in the community when they see stuff that can be interpreted as abuse screwing with hug, and hugbox ‘correcting’ abuse. You’re a good artist and have been generating a lot of content (which this community needs, we have one of the worst feast and famine cycles there is) but just be conscientious about this sort of thing in the future.
Did you draw this because of the joke I made about band aids 14 minutes before you posted this? That is unreal creation speed.
And if you had started it before that, that is an amazing coincidence
the moment i saw the joke about bandaids i started drawing and coloring, yes
Fastest fluffy in the west
But my speedness is also a curse cause i did this on impulse and im afraid of getting in trouble DX dont know if i should delete
Just throwing this out there: There could be a second fluffy with a robot front half and the original back half.
You could tag it as a derivative work. That would at least acknowledge it is based on something else.
Or don’t mention it at all, because who would be able to tell it was derivative if Booperino didn’t say it was? Dear God, do you people realize how many fluffies got cut in half on the booru? A fluffy cut in half by a car was one of the very first fluffy pics ever! Basing a story on a common trope isn’t derivative.
But there’s a bigger problem here, and that’s the idea that you need a creator’s permission to riff on their work. That’s some modern Disney bullshit. Up until the 20th century and the rise of content “owned” by megacorporations, people told stories based on other people’s stories all the time. The most famous example is probably The Aeneid, which is straight up fan fiction of the Iliad and The Odyssey. Half of Shakespeare was taken, uncredited, from other sources. Most of the great painters copied from one another.
Humans are great storytellers, and part of that is taking other people’s stories and incorporating them into our own. Nobody owns a story, no one owns an idea. Anyone who says otherwise is shilling for Disney.
I appreciate this
i was honestly feeling a bit down thinking if this pic would be taken down or not, but you have a great point. But of course context is always a must, and i did provide that this one in particular was inspired by another pic.
Im guessing people are cautious about this so things dont get chaotic
Sure, you need to comply with the rules of the forum, obviously.
And if a creator wants to ask for permission to make a derivative work, that’s cool too. But it’s a choice, not a requirement.
(Note: this is not legal advice, you can and will get sued into oblivion for unauthorized derivative works, thanks in large part to Disney. But ethically it’s fine.)
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