Scot free… part 3 by (that1hugboxer)

Today is the day Lorna lets you out of the box and you take your rightful place as ruler of the farm

Lorna walks up to the sorry box

“Wow look at you flapjack.

making it all the way to day 3.

“Now the last thing I need you to do

Before you are officially queen of the farm

Is raise your hoof and say your name”

Such an easy tas…

Your legs won’t move

“Flapjack is everything ok sweetie?”

You open your mouth and the only thing that comes out is air

“Oh dear it seems as though flapjack

Has gone


Lorna picks you up a carries you over to a small shack

Inside the shack are rows upon rows

Of fluffy sized coffins


Places you inside one of the coffins

She looks down at you

“I know you can hear me”

She places the lid on the coffin slightly ajar

“It’s true what the other fluffies say


The coffin door slides completely closed and you are now left in complete darkness

Close your eyes and just wish to be anywhere else when you open them again.

Some twisted higher power grants your wish

When you’re eyes open again

you feel yourself being dragged by the mane

You look up and see the old windmill getting closer and closer

“ Miss wowna Pwease!!!”

No response

“Take weggies!!!”

Lorna didn’t even turn her head

“Take see pwaces!!!”

Not even a brow twitch

“ make fwapjack piwow!!!”

It was as if you had never even spoken in the first place