Scp 1529-F(luffy) (The_Skett_Man)

the comments of my sketti mountain post inspired me to make this:

(disclaimer, scp 1529-F does not exist in skettiland or sketti mountain)


perfection. i like that instead of just translating it to fluffspeak you made little changes to the lingo as well. c:


I am partly responsible for this and I regret nothing. this is a very good blend of horrorbox and weirdbox. nice job as always)))


ye, tbh i was kinda surprised at the amount of overlap the fluffy fandom and the scp fandom have (which is to say, any at all), but i must say its very pleasant since i myself enjoy scps a lot, so i might continue this series of fluffy-fied scps


glad to hear that

btw, did you know, that the nickname of the 1529 author is “Smapti”
(in russian latter “P” sounds like “R”)

I just thought about a scp 610 fluffy

eeeew you made thought about it too. gross

What about when day breaks fluffy :smirk:

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i think it’s basically the same but more louder and annoying

it just goes “SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” and “HU-HU” all the time

Oh nu, deh Ohl Fwuff ohn deh Mouhntuhn!! :open_mouth: It am munstuh! Get Sowwy Boxie! Get Bestest Mohbiwe Taskie Fwuffies! Pwotecc Sketties!!

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‘ou nu wike fwuffy’s gift? get wowstes’ cowdies an’ foweba sweepies! :angry:

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