SCP-6621 and SCP-999 (Barrel2s1coool)

SCP-6621 - The Fluffies
Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-6621 is contained in a 500m² climate-controlled habitat at Site-19, designed to mimic a natural environment with soft terrain, shaded areas, and grazing fields. The enclosure is monitored at all times by at least two Level-1 personnel to ensure the safety and well-being of the herd. Feeding occurs twice daily with a diet of soft grains, vegetables, and occasional fruit treats. Foals receive supplemental formula for optimal growth.

Interactions with SCP-6621 are permitted under supervision from Level-2 personnel. Care must be taken to avoid startling the herd, as they are prone to panic. Unauthorized experimentation, particularly by personnel known for reckless behavior (e.g., Dr. Jack Bright), is strictly prohibited【9†source】.


SCP-6621 is a herd of 26 small, equine-like creatures resembling miniature ponies. Adult specimens are roughly the size of a domestic cat, while newborn foals are comparable to hamsters. SCP-6621 possesses thick, fluffy fur, stubby legs, and large, expressive eyes. The creatures communicate through a rudimentary form of speech called “Fluffy Talk,” which is characterized by a lisp and the use of euphemisms such as:

  • “Babbehs” – Babies (including their foals)
  • “Mummah” / “Daddeh” – Caregivers or parents
  • “Special huggies” – Mating
  • “Big poopies” – Childbirth
  • “Forever sleepies” – Death

SCP-6621 consists of four distinct subtypes:

  • Earth Fluffies – Standard pony-like physiology
  • Pegasus Fluffies – Possess small, undeveloped wings incapable of sustained flight
  • Unicorn Fluffies – Have a soft, blunt horn with minor magical properties (e.g., creating harmless sparks)
  • Alicorn Fluffies – Rare hybrids possessing both wings and a horn

SCP-6621 is theorized to originate from an alternate universe where they were bioengineered by a company known as “Hasbio,” an offshoot of Hasbro. Records suggest the herd was released into our reality by PeTA activists from their dimension.

Experiment Log 6621-██

Objective: Introduce SCP-999 to SCP-6621 and observe their interactions.


  • Dr. ████ █████ (Lead Researcher)
  • Dr. ███████ █████(Observer)
  • SCP-999 (The “Tickle Monster”)
  • SCP-6621 Herd

SCP-999 was introduced into SCP-6621’s enclosure. Researchers observed from a secure viewing area.

Observation Log:

  • 0:00 – SCP-999 enters the enclosure, bouncing excitedly. SCP-6621 initially reacts with caution, retreating slightly.
  • 0:15 – SCP-999 emits happy gurgling noises and extends a pseudopod toward the herd. The first specimen, a green Earth Fluffy identified as “Fwuffy Bouncy,” cautiously approaches.
  • 0:30 – “Fwuffy Bouncy” makes physical contact with SCP-999 and emits a delighted squeal: “Jewwy Fwend!”(Presumed to mean “Jelly Friend”). Other SCP-6621 specimens quickly gather around.
  • 1:00 – SCP-999 playfully tickles SCP-6621 specimens with its tendrils. The herd erupts into laughter, rolling onto their backs while kicking their stubby legs. SCP-999 vibrates happily.
  • 2:00 – Multiple Fluffies attempt to “hug” SCP-999. SCP-999 reciprocates, engulfing them in a harmless gelatinous mass. Several specimens proclaim “Bestest huggies!”
  • 3:00 – SCP-999 begins a game of tag, bouncing around the enclosure. SCP-6621 attempts to chase it but struggles due to their clumsiness. “Fwuffy Bouncy” trips over another specimen and rolls several meters before landing unharmed. The herd bursts into laughter.
  • 5:00 – SCP-6621 initiates a group cuddle session, referring to SCP-999 as “Big squishy Fwend.” SCP-999 appears to hum in contentment.
  • 10:00 – SCP-999 is removed from the enclosure. SCP-6621 expresses sadness, collectively exclaiming “Jewwy Fwend no go!” before being reassured by researchers that SCP-999 will return. Several Fluffies attempt to follow SCP-999 to the exit but are gently redirected.


The experiment demonstrated that SCP-999 has an overwhelmingly positive effect on SCP-6621, improving overall morale and emotional stability within the herd. Future interactions are recommended for enrichment purposes, provided SCP-999 is willing.

Additional Notes:

  • SCP-6621 has developed a persistent fascination with SCP-999, often requesting its return.
  • The phrase “Jewwy Fwend!” has become common within SCP-6621’s vocabulary.
  • SCP-999 appeared equally pleased with the interaction and responded with excitement when shown images of SCP-6621 post-experiment.

Pending Ethics Committee review for regular play sessions.



Happy to see this series return with 999 the Jelly Friend!

Thanks for that.

But I couldn’t imagine seeing a Fluffy Rolling without thinking of the song Riding Dirty

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Of course! :+1::+1::+1:

Also, that song fits, but the Limp Bizket song “Rollin’” does too XD

Just a music video of Fluffies rolling to that song-especially Soon-Mummahs-would do NUMBERS

oh my god that was adorable

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This went as well as expected. 999 is the perfect match for fluffy ponies as its benevolent nature overlaps perfectly with the love and hugs mentality of the average fluffy.
Keep up the good work.

Sorry if I give you diabetes from that interaction