SCP-6621: Smarty Herd vs SCP-106 (Barrel2s1coool)

SCP-6621 Incident Report: “The Smarty Uprising”

Item #: SCP-6621

Object Class: Safe

Incident #: 6621-ALPHA

Date of Occurrence: ██/██/20██

Location: SCP-6621 Containment Habitat, Site-19

Incident Summary:
On ██/██/20██, an unregistered dimensional portal manifested approximately 30 meters from SCP-6621’s enclosure at Site-19. The portal remained open for approximately 15 minutes, during which an anomalous herd of SCP-6621-like creatures, later designated as SCP-6621-ALPHA (“Smarty Herd”), emerged.

Unlike SCP-6621 specimens housed at Site-19, SCP-6621-ALPHA exhibited severe behavioral anomalies consistent with “Smarty Syndrome,” a known glitch in SCP-6621 behavior programming. SCP-6621-ALPHA aggressively attempted to claim Site-19 as their “special housie” and issued demands of dominance to both Foundation personnel and native SCP-6621 specimens.

Incident Details

Portal Manifestation:
The portal appeared as a swirling green vortex, consistent with records of dimensional breaches. Security footage captured the emergence of 37 SCP-6621-ALPHA specimens. The herd consisted of 32 Earth Fluffies, 3 Pegasus Fluffies, and 2 Unicorn Fluffies, with no observed Alicorn specimens.

Upon arrival, SCP-6621-ALPHA immediately began displaying territorial aggression, as described in the transcript below.

Transcript Log 6621-ALPHA-001
Time: 09:43:12

[The portal collapses. SCP-6621-ALPHA herd gathers in a disorganized cluster near the enclosure.]

Smarty Leader (SCP-6621-ALPHA-1): “Dis big pwace now belong to Smarty! Smarty am da bestest and biggest and mostest important! Dummeh hoomins must weave now or get biggest owwies!”

Level-1 Guard ██████: “What the hell is this?”

SCP-6621-ALPHA-1: “Hoomins awe stoopid dummehs! Dis Smarty’s wands! Bring foodies and gif best toysies NOW, or Smarty make biggest poopies on yoo face!”

[SCP-6621-ALPHA-1 kicks dirt and rallies the herd.]

SCP-6621-ALPHA-2 (Unicorn Smarty):“Yay! Smarty am da bestest! Gif us aww da nummies or we gif biggest huwties!”

[At this point, the SCP-6621-ALPHA herd begins ramming against the SCP-6621 enclosure. The native SCP-6621 specimens react by panicking and clustering near shaded areas.]

Level-1 Guard ██████: “We’ve got an issue here. Calling for backup. It’s… uh… some very angry ponies?”

Containment Response

Level-2 personnel authorized the deployment of SCP-106 (“The Old Man”) as a containment measure due to the escalating aggression of SCP-6621-ALPHA and the herd’s proximity to Site-19’s critical infrastructure. SCP-106 was released into the containment area via remote corridor redirection.

Termination Log:
Time: 09:57:44

[SCP-106 enters the field where SCP-6621-ALPHA is located. The following is audio recorded by drone.]

SCP-6621-ALPHA-1: “Wha—whu dis scawy munstah? Dummeh hoomins! Stop pwetendin’ to scare Smarty! Dis am Smarty’s housie!”

[SCP-106 remains silent, advancing toward SCP-6621-ALPHA.]

SCP-6621-ALPHA-1: “No! Munstah no gif big owwies! Smarty am smawty! Munstah can’—AHHHHHH!”

[SCP-106 grabs SCP-6621-ALPHA-1. SCP-6621-ALPHA specimens scatter, but SCP-106 begins systematically eliminating them. Several are dragged into SCP-106’s corrosive secretions or the pocket dimension.]

SCP-6621-ALPHA-2: “Fwuffy wan’ go 'way! Dis pwace suwk—AAAAAHHHH!”

[SCP-106 successfully terminates 34 of 37 SCP-6621-ALPHA specimens. The three remaining individuals are captured and terminated by MTF Nu-7 for study.]

Post-Incident Notes:

  • Native SCP-6621 specimens exhibited increased signs of distress for 48 hours following the event but returned to normal behavior with additional care and enrichment.
  • Analysis of SCP-6621-ALPHA remains confirmed advanced genetic programming consistent with SCP-6621’s origins in the “Hasbio” dimension. Smarty Syndrome appears to be a result of corrupted programming during their creation.
  • SCP-106 remains unaffected by contact with SCP-6621-ALPHA specimens and has returned to its containment cell.

Addendum 6621-ALPHA-01:
As of ██/██/20██, dimensional monitoring protocols have been updated to detect and preempt future incursions involving SCP-6621 variants. Interaction between SCP-106 and SCP-6621 specimens is under review for potential anomalous behavioral effects. Further experiments are prohibited without Level-4 authorization.

Incident Status: RESOLVED. Site security measures updated. All Smarty Syndrome specimens neutralized.


Perfection. Hope to see one where the 6621 herd interacts with the jolly SCP-999, who I guess would be called “bouncy friend” or “jelly friend”

ya did good, but with fluffy screaming its: SCEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and the occasional chirpy reverting

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Jewwy fwend

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And then the Jellenhimers arrived.
Seriously i would really like to see how the SCP foundation would deal with Jellenhimers.

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I would like to see SCP-999 interact with a Jellenhimer for obvious pun based reasons.

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That would be chaos

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106 was heard to mutter, “The hell were those? I’m too old for this shit.”

Then how would SCP-682 might react