Secret Santa 2022 Question

Yes I know its not even November, but time has a habit of flying.
So I was wondering will there be a fluffy secret santa this year. like last year ?


well this is the first i heard of a Secret santa, but id would be down depending on what we would do of course

I have no idea.
Last year it was a raffle and people randomly got assinged somebody who was participating and then the big unveil on 28 dec.

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was it like, Fluffy related stuff? like art and junk?

It was fluffy related off coursh.
We lost a good chunk of it because of the dec 2021 outage.

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oh damn… Well fuck it ill join in if their is

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I’m on board. Art or story dont matter to me. I really like the idea.

I’m new to this tradition. Tell me more!

I’d be up for doing it again.

Secret Santas are lots of fun so I’d join in too. The only iffy bit is where it would be held - last time it was on the main fluffy Discord server, which it felt a little awkward to join just for one event. Would it be there again? Would it be on the site? Would we make a new, temporary Discord server specifically for the Santa talk and event?

I think it started at the workplace, as a way to ensure everyone gets a gift without having 20+ people buy 20+ presents for everyone else: Everyone gets assigned one person to buy something for, and you’re not allowed to tell anyone who you got or what they will get, so it’s a big reveal when everyone receives their gifts. In our case, the reveal was held on a Discord server with all the gifts shown one by one (“and A’s secret santa was … B! [image]”).

For Fluffy Santa you applied by filling in a form and writing down what kind of content you want to receive, and what content you’re willing to make. (Art, writing, what boxes you like, etc. For example last year I asked for something with one of my fluffy OCs, and my target wanted an egg carton full of jellenheimers.)

There is usually one main runner who tells everyone who they got, and who will check on people’s progress or relay any questions you may have so you don’t have to reveal yourself. (For example “hey I wanna draw their OC but the eye color is not mentioned anywhere, can you ask”.) If you’re feeling extra charitable, you can also volunteer as a backup - if someone drops out or never actually makes anything for their target, a backup can fill in for them to make sure that the target doesn’t walk away empty-handed.

Dunno if its a tradition on here, i’ve only see it done once.
Just to make things clear though.
I am NOT organizing The Secret Santa if there is one.
Just asking if there will be one .

I think it would be best if it was held on site, so everybody can join in
The unveilling event would be on…24 Dec i think
And the person who runs it could post the secrets santa’s art one by one in a master post
posting the art and tagging the participants
and later on the people involved can post the art under their own name.

At least that sounds like the easiest way to do it.

Dec 24 is a bad time for the reveal, actually. I believe it’s usually held sometime after Christmas, sometimes 28th or so, sometimes early January. People are gonna be busy with their families and shopping for real people and cleaning and stuff, after all - it’d be a tough task to even collect people for the reveal, much less demand everyone’s done by then.

The issue with doing it on-site is that people on Reddit may want to join too, so it’d exclude a possibly pretty big group of people. But we’ll have to see if the people who hosted it last year want to do it again this year, they’ve got experience with it after all.

We wil have to see what they are going to do.
I’m just asking if there will be one.

Sounds fun but like I’ve seen, it needs to be organized so everyone who is interested in participating can. I’d be interested for sure.

Last year @Nacho organized it

So I’m hoping they will do it again.

Nacho disowned FC.

What ?
When the hell did that happen and why ?

I don’t know the specifics of the decision but it doesn’t take a whole lot to infer why since schisms are always forming in between factions here.

Urgh, I had hoped that Nacho would run it.

Anyone could.
All it takes is gathering those interested, getting their requests, and then drawing lots to see who will take what request.
People should keep their requests fairly tame though, as you never know who will end up fulfilling it and what their threshold is for abuse.