self restraint (wandumfwuffy)

“Pewwy wan’ gu ouside mummah!” Perry implored batting his hooves against the door. Marisa reached over and opened it before returning his attention to the dishes in front of her. Perry raced out leaving the door swinging open. Marisa didn’t mind. It was a beautiful day and Perry had too much energy to remember the little details. After her last lazy fluffy Marisa wanted one with more life to him, but Perry was more than she was expecting. He was a hunting buddy, a marketing ploy that rolled off the tongue better than baby eating cannibal. Like most creatures with a mouth fluffies are opportunistic carnivores. Unfortunately when the likes of worms and ants can shake your placement on the food chain and birds and bugs can scare you off of scavenging, opportunities rarely come up. Usually the only times a fluffy gets to discover the wonders of meat it’s either an accident with a particularly stupid splorin’ baby or human intervention. Depending on the circumstances and the trauma involved some cannibals grew to be more obligate as they slowly rejected rough greens. The end result was a fluffy that probably had a better diet than she had and a stark view of every creature being made of meat. It was more expensive than keeping a normal fluffy sure, but the benefits to his health and stamina were hard to disagree with. She could even hear him outside running like mad after that ball. It bounced against the wall and he didn’t chase after it apparently distracted.

“Hewwo dewe, wan be nyu fwiend?” She heard a fluffy voice say. Sounded like the neighbors mare must have gotten through the fence. They were planning on setting up a playdate anyway. She kept an ear out for the tell tale enfing of a friendship formed too fast. Instead an ear splitting SCREEEEEE rang out. She dropped a plate which shattered to the floor. She ran out to check on him and saw him shaking back and forth her neck in his jaws.

“Stop that!” She cried pulling him away. He cocked his head at her.

“Wha’s wong mummah?” He asked blood still dripping from his chin.

“Why did you do that?” She screamed barely holding the hysteria from her voice. He giggled playfully.

“Siwwy nummies twy gib huggies. Su stawt tu num dem.” She stared down at the body in her yard. Luckily it wasn’t the neighbors pampered show pony, just a feral. Still that had been pure luck. It had taken seconds for him to finish her off. She had a dent in one side of her head where he’d kicked her and one eye had popped loose. All around her was a spray of red from her torn neck. Marisa knew she had to do something or this would be a constant worry.

Marisa grabbed the corpse and dragged it to the tool shed. She looked around thinking on how to make the lesson stick. She didn’t really want to hurt him but she couldn’t just do nothing. A glint of metal caught her eye and an idea surfaced from the back of her mind.

“Perry come here.” She called. She grabbed a bundle of lines off a nail and looked them over. The tow hooks they ended in looked strong enough, no rust or chips. She slipped a couple off their cables. She heard the plodding hoofbeats of an excited fluffy.

“Yus mummah?” He asked. She looked the hook over. It was far duller than a proper blade. The wedged end should pierce well enough though.

“You were a bad fluffy Perry.” He visibly shrank back in pain at the word. She dug the hook down into the thigh of the corpse. She twisted it up slipping the hook under the bone. ‘That isn’t coming off without the leg.’ She thought.

“Pewwy sowwy. Nu knu’ nu am s’posed to num nummies. Am dey mummahs nummies?” Marissa sighed. He really didn’t get what was wrong. She slammed another hook into the corpses neck twisting the point under the spine. ‘Not as strong but it’ll do.’ she thought.

“You killed a fluffy without me telling you to. A life has been taken and can never be given back.” He cocked his head confused. She took a length of chain from the wall. ‘Heavy and uncomfortable but not debilitating.’ She sized it up and turned to the drawers of the tool chests.

“Am jus’ nummies. Dey s’posed tu be nummed. Wha mummah doin?” ‘Sounds like he’s not going to learn. At least if we train him he won’t have to.’ She flipped through drawer after drawer of unsorted junk. She found her prize and picked out two of the stronger carabiners. She clipped them onto the hooks and carried the pieces over to Perry.

“You killed a fluffy. This is what happens when you kill a fluffy. They turn into a sorry collar.” She draped the chain over his neck and hooked it to the corpse. His neck drooped at the sudden weight.

“Pewwy sowwy mummah. Nu kno am bad! Pwomise wiww nebah huwt nummies unwess hungwy again. Pwease take sowwy cowwa off?” She twitched a little. ‘He’s sport killing. That’s fine. He’ll learn better soon enough.’

“I’m sorry Perry but I can’t do that. This is just what happens when you hurt other fluffies.” He was shocked. He’d never considered there were things mummah couldn’t do.

“Bu’ how wong pewwy hab tu weaw sowwy cowwa?” She offered a consoling pat as she answered.

“Until it falls off.” He didn’t understand. That didn’t sound like an answer.

“Bu’ how wong am dat?” A thin smile creeped onto her face.

“Until it falls off.” She repeated.

Perry was unhappy. At first the sorry collar had been kind of fun. He got used to the weight and he could sneak little nibbles off it to snack between meals. Recently, he noticed the longer he wore it the more it started to smell. His mummah wasn’t even letting him in the house due to the smell. He had a little shelter to keep the rain off and it wasn’t too cold but still he preferred when he had free reign to come inside with all the colorful carpets and walls. He tore up a mouthful of grass and dropped it watching the leaves scatter in the breeze. He sighed realizing he was jest getting bored of the same patch of green all the time. His ears perked up at a new voice.

“Are you a good girl? Did you want to say hello to your next door friend?” It was neighbor Dave! Maybe he’d play with him. Parry scampered off following the voice. He caught sight of him looming over the waist high fence. He was hoisting up Butterscotch. She was named for her pretty orange fluff and how sweet she could be. She really was pretty nummies. Maybe he’d have to give her enfies before he nummed her.

“Hewwo Dave!” Perry called jumping up against the fence to see over.

“Hewwo nice Pewwy! Pwetty stawion cum tu see Buttewscotch?” Butterscotch asked oblivious to her being ignored.

“Hey there Perry. You remember our talks right bud? Don’t make me call your mama.” Dave said. Perry nodded and hopped back. The neighbors always worried he’d damage the fence hopping up onto it. Butterscotch stiffened staring at him. She clung tighter to her daddies arm but otherwise stayed locked onto Perry. “I’ll let you two play a minute. I’ll be out watering so I can keep an eye on you for a while.” He moved to drop her onto the other side of the fence and her catatonic expression finally broke.

“N-Nuu! Munstah! Munstaaaah!” She scrabbled for purchase trying to climb the arms as they were lowering her into the yard. A pile of shit formed under her as she struggled and hung unreliably. Perry looked behind him suddenly worried but saw no monsters around. “Nu wan’! Nu wan’ be wif munstah! Pwease daddeh take homesie. Nu kno what du wong bu’ nebah du it 'gain. Nu weab wif munstah!” Dave finally managed to get enough of a grip to pull her back to her side of the fence.

“Alright butterscotch I’ll get you back on four feet.” He said but she clung to him. She hugged as hard as she could and nuzzled into him.

“Fank yu fow takin away munstah daddeh. Fank yu. Pwease take buttewscotch insidies. Be gud giwl pwomise.” Dave pet her slightly concerned.

“Are you sure you don’t want to just play out here a minute sweetie? It really is a beautiful day.” She shook her head rapidly.

“Jus’ wan gu homesie. Wan’ feew safe.” He frowned and carried her inside. Perry watched for when he’d come back but he didn’t. He hadn’t even seen this monster and now not only did he not get to play with pretty neighbor nummies but he didn’t even get to see neighbor Dave? It just felt so unfair! Still somewhere in the back of his mind he felt like he should know why she freaked out. He just couldn’t piece it together.

Perry shuffled around the yard miserably. The yard had yet to show any new entertainment and he still wasn’t allowed in the house. He’d taken to walking laps around the small square to pass the time. His collar had started to feel damp and the slick feeling spilled down his front all the time. No matter how he tried to clean himself it wouldn’t stop it from coming. He’d asked his mama for a bath but she just said “Of course! Just as soon as the sorry collar falls off.”
He didn’t even like baths but she wouldn’t give him one! The smell had gotten worse too. He’d slowly gotten used to it but mama noticed more clearly. She wouldn’t even pet him for how badly he stunk. He tried apologizing but she just said “That’s just what happens when you hurt other fluffies.”
He sighed despondent. Then he heard voices coming down the sidewalk. Little humans! They must be going back to skew-ul after their break. They were always fun even if they didn’t stay long. He always got as many pets as he wanted and they’d throw balls to chase again and again. He jumped up on the fence towards the road trying to greet them.

“Hewwo widdwe humins!” He cheered as they approached. They didn’t look like they usually do though. Most of the time they’d gasp and run up excitedly. Now they were frowning and screwing up their little faces at him. Had he somehow been a bad fluffy? He’d only said hello!

“What’s that smell?” The girl in the pink complained. Perry’s face fell. If he smelled too bad for his mama then of course he’d smell bad to other humans too.

“It’s that fluffy, it looks like it has a dead thing on it.” one of the boys said.

“I bet you won’t go lick it.” Said the other. The first gave him a look.

“You wouldn’t either butt-sniffer. I bet you wouldn’t even touch it.” The second smiled a half crazed crooked smile.

“You’re on!” He said and he walked up to Perry. ‘Finally.’ Perry thought. ‘For a moment I thought they weren’t going to pet me.’ His tail wagged excitedly as he closed his eyes doing a little happy dance. Then he felt the hand impact with his face.

“Owwies!” He complained but the children weren’t listening.

“Eww it’s all wet. I got fluffy juice on me.” He was busy wiping his hands on his pants leaving a greenish stain on them. ‘It didn’t really hurt.’ He rationed. ‘They probably didn’t mean to hurt me. They just… didn’t want to touch me for some reason?’ Somehow the thought was not a comforting one.

“It’s over man. You got the fluffy juice on you. You’re going to turn into a fluffy now.” The calmer of the two boys said. The girl huffed.

“Guys knock it off. That’s not how it works.” She folded her arms in a manner meant to be intimidating.

“Of course it is. Where do you think new fluffies come from?” The supposedly infected boy responded.

“W-well, You don’t know either!” She retorted.

“Only one way to find out!” He called running after her with an outstretched hand. Her eyes grew wide and fearful and she dodged him breaking into a run.

“Nooo don’t get it on me!” She yelled running out of sight the two boys in tow. Perry stood watching dazed. They weren’t going to play with him. They didn’t even want to touch anything he had if it meant indirectly touching him. It felt so, so mean! How could they do that? He ran up to the door of the house and scratched for his mama.

“Mummah! Mummah!” He called. She didn’t even open the door to answer him.

“I told you Perry you’re not bringing that thing inside here.” He sobbed wishing she came out to give a hug.

“But widdwe humins mean tu fwuffy! Dey nu wan’ pway ow huggies!” She cracked the door slightly to look at him. He wiped away a few tears with a hoof and raised his arms to ask for hugs.

“That’s just what happens when you hurt other fluffies.” She said and slammed the door in his face.

Perry hated the sorry collar. He thought he could handle the smell of it but now it was worse than even he could handle. Unlike everyone else though he couldn’t get away from him. It started to feel weird too. The parts he’d been nibbling were writhing with little white worms and the parts of him that were still wet made him sick when he licked them clean. The white worms were all over the sorry collar and all hours of the day he could feel them wriggling where the collar touched his chest. Sometimes he’d feel one climbing through his fluff or biting at his skin. It sent chills down his spine and he had to shake so hard to get it off. Sometimes it didn’t work and he just had to let them bite him. Somehow the worst pain was inside though. It had been many bright times, more than he could count since someone had pet him. He was so used to his mama giving all the love and affection he could ever want he felt something like hurties in a place he wanted to call his heart.

“Butterscotch!” He heard neighbor Dave call. He didn’t run up to ask him for love anymore. After his pretty nummies and her dummy invisible monster he hadn’t been speaking to Perry. It just felt like everything was against him. He only wanted a little nummies! He couldn’t even remember how she tasted it was so long ago. “Come on sweetie we need to get going if we’re walking to the fluffy park before it’s dark out.” He perked his ears up suddenly remembering something. The last thing the nummies wanted before he nummed her was huggies. Something deep inside him told him huggies were the only way to get the heart hurties to go away. He had to get to this park. The nummies were his only hope. He trotted over to the door and called for his mummah. She didn’t like him scratching anymore. She got mad if he persisted. Worse still his voice hurt all the time for some reason.

“Mummah.” He croaked somewhat harshly.

“I’m not opening the door or taking it off.” She yelled through the door. “No amount of asking is going to change that.”

“Mummah, can Pewwy gu tu fwuffy pawk?” He asked anyway. He heard the locks to the door click open and she opened it slightly. He held his gaze. “Pwease mummah?” He begged. She stared for a long moment.

“Alright then. You’ve been a good fluffy. Why don’t we go to the fluffy park?” He looked at her shocked. ‘A good fluffy? But then why was the sorry collar still…’ He recalled her answer every time he went to her. ‘Right. She can’t take it off. Still at least the heart hurties will go away!’

He waited at the gate to the yard for his mama to get ready. He couldn’t help but feel like things were about to get better. There was a little extra energy in every step. He felt like any moment now it would be back like the time before the sorry collar. He just had to be patient. When they got to the park he was practically giddy.

“Stay in sight, ok? and no food until we get home.” His mama said perching herself on the fence with a line of other daddies and mommies. Perry looked around at all the nummies running around. They smelled kind of odd in a familiar way. With a tentative sniff of horror he realized that’s what he was supposed to smell like. He was ashamed of being so far off from all the rest but he couldn’t stop there. Off in one corner he saw butterscotch playing in a big tunnel. ‘Anywhere but there.’ He thought. ‘No point in calling about monsters again.’ He decided to interrupt a game of huggy tag he saw up ahead.

“Hewwo.” He said trying to keep calm. Every part of him wanted to scream for hugs but it felt like that would be too scary for random nummies to accept. The kind nummy he spoke to turned with a face so full of joy his heart started to melt seeing it. Unfortunately the joy melted off her face just as quickly.

“Munstah! Munstaaah!” She screamed. He panicked. ‘not again!’ He thought.

“N-nu wowwy! Nu am munstahs tu be scawedies ob!” He bluffed. With every step he took towards her she tried to step back and yelled louder. A new nummy walked up with puffed cheeks and plowed into him.

“Gu way dummeh munstah!” He yelled. “Nu huwt speciaw fwiend!” Perry was more surprised than hurt. ‘Dummy? Wait he can’t mean… I’m not a monster I’m just hungry! I couldn’t stop myself from being hungry.’

“Nu am munstah!” He said speaking faster than he could think. “Pwease nummies jus’ gib huggies! Am so wonewy!” He spoke with words he’d never heard only feeling somewhere that there was something wrong about how things were. Their fear and anger grew worse respectively.

“N-nummies? Nu wan’” The mare said quivering at the shocking revelation.

“Nice twy!” The stallion challenged. “Nuwun ebah wub fwuffy huwtin munstah wike yu!” Perry was taken aback. ‘Fluffy hurting. Even they know. That’s just what happens.’ He sobbed realizing how hopeless it suddenly seemed.

“Pwease, Am sowwy.” He begged.

“Nu cawe!” The stallion flared up determined to intimidate Perry. “Gu 'way an weab famiwy awone!” He left without comment desperately trying to find someone else who would understand. As the hours grew thin and the park slowly emptied the stallions words seemed to ring true. Noone loved him.

Perry woke up to another bleary day. The smell around him was an old faded scent and the carcass was mostly desiccated sundried scraps. The matted fluff long since having dried with putrid fluffy in it had been gathering any particle that would stick. His coat appeared an uneaven twotone from the black dirt and filth clinging to him. A better reflection of what he was he thought. He flopped his ears and tail ineffectively against the flies that were everpresent around him now. They stung into him and their bites hurt far more than he could bear. He never bothered asking his mama about it. That’s just what happens to monsters that hurt nummies like that. They deserved hurties. They deserved to be miserable. He went for a walk around the yard with zero energy or enthusiasm. This was all he had to look forward to anymore. Another day of pain and noone loving him. He didn’t deserve love anyway. He wasn’t a good fluffy. Nothing seemed to be enough to make him good either. The heart hurties just went on and on and nothing made it better.
The walk did nothing to cut down on the buzzing flies biting into him. He shook to try to get them off his coat. They barely moved. Frustrated he stomped and shook harder than he ever had before. He heard a sudden CRACK and stopped afraid of what he’d done. He looked around and only saw something pale and sickly yellow nearby. He walked over to it and saw it looked like a part of the sorry collar. That nummies head with the one empty socket. He looked down at the sorry collar and realized with a start that it wasn’t there! He looked back and it was one the ground in one long string. It was off! He was free! FREE! He ran to the door as fast as his legs could carry him.

“Cum on Pewwy! Buttewscotch wan speciaw huggies!” The pampered mare waggled her rump in the closest thing she knew to seduction. The first time her daddy actually let her have babies and the stallion was a dummy.

“Pwease pwetty nummies. Pewwy nu wan’ huwt yu.” She rolled her eyes at him.

“Speciaw huggies nu am huwties. Dey gib babbehs and babbehs awe da best fing ebew.” He still curled his tail under him and sobbed into it.

“Huu huu. Pewwy nu wan heawt huwties 'gain.” She was getting nowhere but she was crafty enough to get what she wanted.

“If Pewwy nu gib Buttewscotch speciaw huggies, Buttewscotch gon’ make Pewwy num hew.” She threatened.

“Nuuu!” Perry cried harder. She closed the distance cheeks puffed in intimidation.

“Den gib! Gib dummeh gib!” He finally responded uncurling slowly and reluctantly.

“O-otay Buttewscotch. Huu huu huu. Enf huu. Enf huu. Enf huu.” Marissa and Dave watched from the comfort of the kitchen. They sat with coffee in hand staring at the unusual display.

“From the mouths of babes, eh?” Dave said amazed. Marissa chuckled.

“She certainly is strong willed. You mind if I have first pick of the litter?” He shrugged.

“I don’t see why not. You sure that’s a good idea with him in the house, though?” She looked out at him his face twisted up in grief. With every thrust it perked up in a burst of joy and immediately melted back into sorrow. His fear denied him even this basic pleasure.

“Yeah, of course. What are the chances?”


Apologies for the shorter story. Just heard a family tale so insane I knew I had to put something here.

don’t you have something better to apologize for? put that name in the title
