Fluffy mothers are strongly programmed and driven to take care of their foals, if they are separated from their foals they will be seriously distressed and will attempt to self soothe by attempting to groom and otherwise care for non-foal objects.
the babies in a new home without remembering her, because she really needs them much more than they need her.
If you paint some cotton balls it will make her happy.
is this a sequel to this? Animal Control (Pastry_Knight)
She’s so miserable, I LOVE IT!
related to, but not really intentional, could be the same fluffy, but I didn’t do the animal control one leading to this one if that makes sense.
It’s interesting seeing what each person on here thinks about the biological programing in fluffies. I’ve seen some artists and authors depict Mares as being easily duped into forgetting their foals with a promise of sketties or a new housie and/or toys. Here, we see a form of maternal affection that makes more sense for an actual animal, especially one with human like sapience.