Sensitive Topic Gang! (FluffnPuff)

Here are references to the main sensitive topic characters. Lapis is very spherical. Also the mill mares are meant to be bright and colorful, that’s why their foals sell so well!




You put alot of personality in these gross things! Their personalities and colors show alot of effort : )


I try my best that’s for sure! I just like making creatures tbh

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Oh ma goodness they’re adorable! I love the little rings of fluff they have around their necks, it looks so cute! Also Grapefruit looks so precious, truly a “no thoughts, head empty, just precious” and I found Rum’s expression is 10/10. She simultaneously has the vibe of an edgy kid that you just can’t take seriously because just look at em and like she’d shank me if she had the chance.

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Thank! Those fluff rings are like rabbit dew flaps that mares have