Sewer Adventure by Jimmy Hopkins

AUTHORS NOTE: Oh how could they live in a sewer without dying of infection this is unrealistic if it was realistic there wouldn’t be a story so shut up and enjoy.

You are a fluffy babbeh. You have wingies, and light blue fluff. Your mane is still short, but your mummah says it’s a pretty green color. You’ve never seen green before. You have a brother with a horn, his fluff is pink, and he has a white mane. You like to tease him about it, those aren’t colors for a stallion! He’s a scaredy baby too. You keep asking him to go with you on a splorin mission, but he keeps saying no.

“Is too dangewous fo’ babbehs!”

Sometimes you wonder which one of you is the real big brother!

You live in a ‘sewer’, near a stream of yucky wawas. You thought the place smelled not pretty at first, but you’ve grown desensitized to it. Your mummah is the smartest mummah in the world. She knows exactly where to find clean wawas, finds the bestest nummies, and sings the bestest mummah songs. She says she loves you and your brother, but sometimes she calls you bestest. This makes you very happy! Of course you would be bestest!

The only downside is that she doesn’t want you to go splorin either.

“Nu go spwowe, babbehs! Stay cwose tu mummah.”

Dummies! You would be a great splorin babbeh! Even if it’s dangerous, nothing bad could happen to a babbeh!

One night, you three are sleeping in a fluff pile near this thing your mummah calls a ‘great’. It blows warm air at night, so it’s a good place to sleep. A nearby hole has moonlight shining through it. Nummies come through that hole, and sometimes wawas too. Your mummah is snoozing happily, and your brother is sleeping under one of her legs. You were sleeping on top of her belly. Until you hopped down.

“Hee hee, babbeh go spwowe. Mummah be su happies when babbeh fin’ tweasuwe fo’ mummah.”

“Whuh? Nu go spwowe…”

Your brother, half asleep, rubs his eyes with his hoofsies.

“Bwuddah, nu go spwowe. It am dangewous! Nu wan yu get huwt.”

“Siwwy bwuddah, babbeh am smawt. Babbeh am stwong! Babbeh be otay.”

“B-buh, bwuddah, it am dangewous!”

“Bwuddah am dummeh babbeh! Stay hewe wif mummah, dummeh babbeh. Siwwy fiwwy bwuddah.”

Your brother looks hurt at this one.

“Y-yu am meanie… B-buh, be cawefuw bwuddah.”

Of course you’ll be careful. Your brother is just a dummy.

This is great! You’ve never felt so free! You know in your heart that some people might not like the sewer, but there’s a lot to see around here!

You spot some buggie munstahs scurrying around. (silverfish)

“Hee hee, babbeh show mummah an’ dummeh bwuddah dat babbeh big an’ stwong an’ bwave!”

You puff up your cheeks and run over, trying to step on the bugs. Squish! You got one!

“Hee hee, take dat, dummeh buggie munstah!”

You stomp on another one. Squish!

“Babbeh am stwong!”

You feel something on your back. You turn around, and…


One of the buggies was on you! You run as fast as you can, slipping a little on the bug juice.

“B-babbeh nee’ wun way! Buggies am bad fo’ babbeh!”

You keep running, and running! You’re getting a little tired, but you need to get away from those buggies!

“Huu huu, why buggies nu wike babbeh?”

You keep running, until…


You fall! The sewer path must have dropped a little! No! You fall for what feels like forever, wiggling your leggies like crazy.


“Am babbeh fowbah sweepies?”

You open your eyes. You’re still alive! Thankfully, you landed in a weird squishy thing. It doesn’t smell pretty at all, much worse than the sewer normally. You lift your leggie to rub your face and cover your nose.

Or you would, but your leggies are stuck.

“Huu huu, why smewwy bwob take weggies? Babbeh nee’ weggies!”

You wiggle them as hard as you can, but the weird blob just sticks to your fluff even more and doesn’t let go of your leggies.

What even IS this thing? It’s big! Like, bigger than your mummah by a lot! If you had ever met a human, you would say that it was bigger than a bunch of them combined.

You smell something.

sniff sniff

Then you notice what you smell.

“Nu! Poopies! Huu, why poopies neaw babbeh? Babbeh nu am poopie!”

You don’t wanna explore anymore! You just wanna go home, and hug your mummah!


Just then, you have an idea, and start flapping your wingies as hard as you can! You’ve tried to fly before, but you’ve never been able to. This time, you’re gonna do it!

“Pwease wingies, babbeh nee’ tu fwy way fwom meanie smewwy poopie bwob!”

You flap your wingies as hard and as fast as you can, to no avail.


“EEP! Huu huu! Why wingies huwt babbeh? Babbeh am guud babbeh, nee’ fwy way!”

You hurt your wingy flapping so hard. Now you’re really stuck.


You are a fluffy with blue and pink fluff, and a white mane. You are the mummah of a handsome blue and green colt with wingies and a less great but still otay pink and white colt with a pointy. You wish he was a different color, or a filly, but good mummahs love ALL their babbehs. That’s what the teebee told you, until you ran away from home to have babbehs.

You yawn, and see the stream of sunlight peeking in through the sewer grate. One day you’ll get out of here, and get a good mummah and daddeh and housie and toysies for you and your babbehs.

You’ve been really good at finding nummies. Every day, theres a slice of peeza near the grate that the light comes from. You don’t know where it comes from, but you’re grateful for it nonetheless. One time you even saw the peeza fall down!

“Eat up, alligators!”

“Dude, I don’t think alligators eat pizza. OR live in the sewer.”

“What, are you alligator God now? I’m gonna keep putting that pizza in that same spot until I finally meet an alligator and it thanks me for the pizza. THEN who’s gonna look like an idiot?”

Those mistahs sounded really silly.

“Guud bwite time babbehs! Mummah smeww nummies!”

You usually hear your babbehs greet you in the morning. This morning, all you can hear is your pinky babbeh huu huuing.

“Babbeh? What am wong?”

He turns to you, tears in his eyes.

“W-wittew bwuddah wun way! He wan go spwowe! B-babbeh twy an’ teww him it am dangewous, buh, h-he nu wissen!”


“B-b-bwuddah am gone!”

Your eyes go wide. Your bestest babbeh, gone? He would never run away! He knows better! He’s your bestest!

“Mummah, babbeh am sowwy babbeh nu couwd stop bwuddah, babbeh am wowstest babbeh ebah!”

He continues to cry, and that’s when you realize it.

“Yu am wowstest babbeh.”



He cries more.

“W-why mummah hate babbeh? B-babbeh sowwy mummah!”


He looks shocked, and a little offended at your accusation.

“Babbeh wub bwuddah! Babbeh nebah wan’ huwt bwuddah! Babbeh sowwy mummah!”


You smack him out of the way. He goes tumbling and lands next to the peeza. Unbeknownst to you, you didn’t hit him nearly hard enough to do any lasting damage physically. Emotionally however, you have fucked him up.

“Mummah go fine babbeh. Stay hewe dummeh babbeh, mummah teach wesson watew.”

“Huu huu huu…”

You’ve been stuck in this smelly blob for a while. Your leggies hurt a little.


“Huu… Babbeh hungwy. Babbeh nee’ nummies!”

You’re so hungry! But you can’t get anything to eat! If you don’t get anything to eat soon, you might go forever sleepies!

“Huu, nu smeww pwetty…”

You eye a weird looking part of the lump near you. It kind of looks like nummies…

“Huu huu huu… Babbeh su hungwy…”

You run down the sewer, calling for your babbeh.

“Babbeh! Whewe am yu! Mummah am hewe! Babbeh!”

You notice some buggies on the ground. Some of them are squished.

“Meanie buggie munstahs! Teww mummah whewe babbeh am! NAO!”

You stomp down on one of the buggies. A few of them crawl on to your leggie!


You try to run away, but you slip on the bug juice.


“Nu! Smewwy wawa am bad fo fwuffy! Hewp! Hewp mummah!”

You flail as hard as you can, trying to keep your head above the yucky wawa.

blub blub “Hewp! Dummeh babbeh, hewp mummah!”

You swallow some of the yucky wawa.

glub “Hewp! Hewp pwease! Nu wan go fowebah sweepies!”

You keep sinking below the water, your waterlogged fluff doing nothing but helping you sink faster.

blub blub blub.

You go still, and your body floats to the top.

You can’t take it anymore, you’re so hungry!


“Huu… Nu taste pwetty.”

You chew the yucky blob. You really miss mummahs magic nummies. At least it’s giving you a little wawa too.




“Huu, nu feew pwetty… Pwease bewwy, nu be mean tu wittew babbeh!”


You make a little sickie wawas, and it gets stuck in your fluff. Around this time, you notice a piece of ‘peeza’ sitting on the blob, just out of reach.

“P-pwease mistah nice nummies, come tu babbeh an’ hewp babbeh wif tummy huwties!”

The peeza is uncaring of your plight.

“Huu, wan mummah…”

You take a look around. Might as well get to know the blob while you wait for mummah to save you.

There’s a lot of poopies here.

“Huu, babbeh nu am poopie…”

There’s some peeza, as you already established.

“Meanie nummies… Hatechu!”

You see more poopies, and various lumps of stuff.

“Huu, nu pwetty bwobbie.”

And then you notice something else. Something scary.

It looks like a fluffy, but it’s thin. Shriveled. Its a babbeh.

“N-nyu fwien?”

It doesn’t respond.


Something bumps the blob, and the fluffies head turns to you. It’s eyesockets are empty, save for one bug living inside the left one.


The bug crawls out, and crawls onto you.


It crawls onto your eye. It hurts really bad!


The buggy jumps off your eye.


You’re a sewer worker, part time. Just to help the city once a month really. Your job is fuckin’ disgusting, but hey, it pays pretty well, and you can find some cool stuff in the sewers.

“Oh god, poor little guy.”

There’s a pink and white fluffy sitting next to a slice of pizza. Looks like it took some bites out of it too.

“Huu… mummah hate babbeh…”

“Oh fuck, he’s alive!”

You reach down to pick him up.


“Don’t worry little guy, I’m not here to hurt you.”

“N-nu huwt babbeh?”

“Of course not! I’m here to clean the sewer out. We got report of a blockage nearby. I hope it’s not another fatberg. I dunno why I’m telling you all this.”

“Hee hee, mistah am funny.”

“Heh, thanks. Hey, I’ve been looking for a fluffy, wanna come live with me? I can be your new dad.”

The little guy looks like he’s about to die of happiness, which wouldn’t be uncharacteristic of a fluffy.


“Of course, little guy. I guess you need a name, right? How about Jerry?”

“Ooo! Jewwy wub be name Jewwy!”

“Then it’s settled! Good to meetcha, Jerry! Daddy has to work for now, but I’ll take you up above and my partner Kyle can take care of you.”

“T-tank yu nyu daddeh, Jewwy wub yu.”

The little guy hugs your finger, and it’s enough to make your heart melt.

For some reason you feel like someone, somewhere, is angry that this happened. Well, you’re sorry to disappoint, but the author can’t write sad stuff happening without having some amount of good happening as well.

(And whatever logical gotchas one might come up with will be explained away by LORE DUMPS so reader beware.)

Kyle was surprised to see you with a fluffy.

“You just never struck me as the type of guy to want to own one.” he said.

He wasn’t entirely happy having to watch a smelly sewer foal, but you told him he could take the day off if he took Jerry to get cleaned up and watched him while you investigated the blockage.

“Hey, anything is better than fatberg duty.”

So you were left to investigate the blockage on your own. Even if it’s a fatberg, you’re not trained to take care of these. This shit requires experts.

And boy oh boy, would this fatberg require an expert. This thing was fuckin huge! Like massive! There’s a fluffy mother stuck to the back, blue and pink fluff, white mane, would be a nice trans pride fluffy if it wasn’t, you know, dead and stuck to a fatberg. Looks like it fell into the water first, so at least it died quickly. Can’t think of a worse death than getting stuck to a fatberg.

“Holy fuck…”


What? What was that? There’s a blue spot on it. You crouch down to take a closer look.

“h-hu dewe? b-b-babbeh nu can see… n-n-nu wike dawkies…”

“Jesus fucking Christ.”

“Eep! H-huu dewe?!”

A blue foal with a green mane is stuck in the goddamn fatberg. One of its eyes is gone, and the other is oozing pus.

“Holy shit, I’m so sorry little guy.”

“H-hewp babbeh, pwease…”

You can’t just leave him there.

“This might hurt, brace yourself little guy.”

You stick your fingers into the fatberg near the fluffy, digging him out. His legs are shriveled and rotting.

“I’m so sorry little guy.”

“h-hewp… hewp babbeh…”

You pick him up gently.

“Owwies… su many huwties…”

Can they even fix this? How would you fix this?

“Don’t worry little guy, you’re about to go to a better place.”

You prepare to snap his neck, make his death quick and painless, when…

“Ah, ah, ah-CHOO!”

The foal slips from your greasy gloved grip and goes falling into the sewer water.

“NO! God fucking dammit, you’ve gotta be shitting me! Fuck!”

Goddammit. Well, as far as anyone has to know, you snapped its neck. No use crying over dropped fluffy. Better go tell sanitation we have a massive fatberg to take care of.


for @Reddit-Word_H83r whom I told about the fatberg idea.


At least it was not SCP-2717.
In many headcanons, fluffies were made to be highly disease resistant.
But who is the secret Pizza Provider?


Bad writing

Just kidding i like to think it was some guy who thought that “the alligators in the sewer must get hungry, yo. I’mma help em out”


Delightful. Maybe even worth mentioning in the story?

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added. deus ex pizzina

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If only Mummah waited a little to be adopted but yet fluffy stupidity has taken her, leaving the little guy to be adopted and the Pizza guy still wondering there is an alligator god somewhere in the sewer, only to find out a fat idiot fluffy blame her own child for something stupid.

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Oh hes not wrong about the alligator god.


When even a sewer fluffy says so…
I mean, everyone knows that mutated martial artist turtles are where it is at.

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pubescent genetically altered samurai alligators

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Poor little dude


Don’t worry he died on impact with the water. And he repented for his sins before his death so he was welcomed into gods kingdom after a 100 year stay in purgatory (this is dubious canon, accept it if you would like or write your own aftermath for him in your head but please tell me what you write cause i like reading. this goes for everyone here ever)

This was a nice slice of life story. Jerry getting a happy ending felt nice since the story would’ve felt pointless if EVERYONE died.

Love the idea of a mare running away to have babbehs only for the bestest to then runway to be a splorin babbeh. And love the fluffies interactions with the silverfish. Your fluffspeak and flufflogic are on point :grin:

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“spwowe-babbehs” only deserve the worst pain!

Don’t mind the happy bits, actually really like it, a poor abused foal is given a decent life, and a bratty foal dies an agonizing death, same with a bitch mare.

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