Shadowfax labs characters files re worked by shadowraiden23

Okay so this is reworked of the characters… first off we have

Name: Melissa
Age: 23
Work: daycare lead
Bio: Melissa is one of two twins who works in shadowfax labs as the daycare lead and handles the foals, due to her kind hearted nature the fluffys who are in our care all have a sense of ease around her and trusting her with out a doubt in their minds she’s also 5’3 blue eyes and a brunette and her favorite phrase is " remember always love and care " her personal fluffy is bell a black unicorn

Name: Melinda
Age: 28
Work: trapper
Bio: tall 6’2 blonde with emerald eyes and spirit of a huntress she’s always ready to deploy where there fluffys that need to be caught or rescued in most cases, she does most of her work outside the lab by testing new tech of fluffy capture units most of which are the foal drones and soon to be worked on fluff net gun her phrase is " its time to hunt boys ~ and remember keep them alive " her fluffy is a earthie colored name cerberus

Name: uncle bert
Age: 48
Work: cannon tester hunter sgt and many more titles ~
Bio: uncle bert is the redneck of the labs who prefers to … well test out fluffy based weapons such as the smarty cannon … - sighs - look he’s a abuser by trade but loves his nieces Melissa and Melinda when he heard about them working for the labs he wanted in and well forced his way into the labs … he lives there 24/7 using the really bad smartys as live ammo for the cannons and is well he has no fluffy to speak of nor any family left aside from the twins

Name: bear
Age: 44
Work: security guard
Bio: bear is one the security guards but whiles hes a giaint of a man he’s a gentle one when he’s in good mood which is always and well he’s loves fluffys at the labs and often takes his lunch break in the day care with Melissa to play with the foals since the mothers trust him

Name: shadow
Age: ???
Work: owner of the labs
Bio: not much to say about him since … he’s shrouded in mystery no one knows his back story nor his history mostly due to him being secretive about his past and well most folk thinks he looks to young to be a lab owner but looks can be deceiving he’s master many magical arts and other arts as well though Melissa considers him to be a vampire while Melinda considers him to be some future person who knows ?

This one is just a list of your stupid OCs; why is it listed as fluffy?