Shadowfax labs micro fluffy gatling gun by shadowraiden23

Alright item 501 … - looking up from the clipboard slightly annoyed - just as the same says its gatling gun that fires microfluffs and yes we have a lot of them most of them being smartys and bitch mares so we separated them from the good batches which are still being sold so yeah -pulls up the video-

As you guys can see bert our residential red neck and abuser is currently the only one testing the weapon out …since i couldn’t find anyone else and the abusers of the labs were off for the holidays - the techs were making sure to do a once over as bert puts on a large backpack that held micro fluffys - nu wike nu wike - their little voices were drowned out as a tube was connected to the main unit - so first off when designing this we stuck a tri barrel which is large enough for a fully grown micro and well the backpack holds up 2000 of those lil suckers and the barrel attachment can be swaped out for a 6 one but for now - the techs were setting up multiple targets being bitch mares and smartys who yet again broken the labs rules - alright bert LET’EM RIP !! - the techs all watched as the bert spinned up the barrels and pulled the trigger - screee !!! - it fired a 6 burst rounds per second as the living ammo all flew through the air nailing their targets as one smartys head explode from the impact of microfluff - man i love this gun ~ - bert smirked as the mares watched and coward in a corner - oh ladies please don’t worry you’ll join them soon ~ bert smiles and pulls the trigger again this time reducing the mares to pulp and makes a heart on the wall - … so uh when is the boss putting this into production?? - the video cuts off - … yeah the rest is him wasting the remaining ammo on a herd that had gotten into labs but hey we separated the mares from the herd and told them they were not gonna be leaving unless they want the monster to get them

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Idea, Bert dressed as Krampus torments all the bad fluffys, no experiment just a guy having some work place fun.

Thats gonna wait til the 24th