Shadowfax labs services by shadowraiden23

Okay time to list the services the labs offers now

  1. Fluffy trade/surrender

Got a unwanted fluffy or a fluffy that didn’t listen to you and got pregnant well the labs offer a trade special bring in amy unwanted foals or bad parents and we’ll give ya a coupon for a discount on items like gaming hardware or food items and fluffmart 75% off new fluffys items and fluffys themselfs we’re accepting the following

  1. Bad or good colored foals ( and bestest)

  2. Smarties and bitch mares ( feral or not we pay double )

  3. Abandon fluffys ( folks who passed on )

  4. Bowl fluffys

  5. Wild patterns

    • blank - no longer accepting sea fluffys
  6. Alicorns

  7. Unicorns

  8. Micros

  9. Trappers

A team of highly skilled trappers can be sent out to where you located a herd each team is equipped accordingly to the fluffy types from the small yet annoying micro fluffy to a smarty herd … just don’t ask for bert … he will end up killing a herd just for fun

  1. Pillow stations

Got a fluffy thats been bad and need to punish well this one might be right up your alley since we pillow fluffys who are really bad and remove their teeth so they don’t try to bite

4.fluffy lounge

Ever needed a safe space to just play with your fluffy and introduce them to new friends well the lounge offers that a safe space for mummahs and familys to enjoy their familys

  1. Daycare

Got to work well we have a place for fluffys to stay plain and simple also we did do at home care but due to threats from some less than good folks we stop

  1. Abuse corner

Torture and hurt bad fluffys in this special part of the lab make them watch as you destroy their hopes dreams and family ~ just make sure you sign a NDA and a few other paperwork and choose a fluffy from the bad wall and go straight to town want to make a bitch mare soon mummah suffer by taking away her foals go right ahead ( note any foals born from the bitch mare are to be turned over to staff any dead ones will be charge to the abuser who killed them ) also you can use the tools on hand ~

( since this might be my last post due to x-mas coming i wanted to take a lil break and wish every one a happy holiday)


Idea for Bert, micro smarty mini gun.

Also idea for experiment, does trauma lead to good behavior. Like you have two foals one with good colors and one with “bad colors” the one with good colors grows up to be a brat while the “poopie” is polite and well mannered.

Oh trust me already working on that one with a earthie colored mother

You mean that thing that’s been done to death and everyone’s sick of it

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