Shadysmarty's take on Fluffy pregnancy (Artist: Shadysmarty) (Fluffybooru id: 19086)

19086 - artist shadysmarty head_canon not_important pregnant safe

“Several of you don’t think my fluffies look pregnant, I’m trying to say they do, as far as my canon goes. It doesn’t really matter, and I understand that it is done for comedic effect. So whatever.”

  • Shadysmarty

“Several of you don’t think my fluffies look pregnant, I’m trying to say they do, as far as my canon goes. It doesn’t really matter, and I understand that it is done for comedic effect. So whatever.”

  • Shadysmarty


Shadysmarty was one of the people critical of the immobile pregnant dam headcanon and he presented his own personal take on how pregnant fluffy ponies look. Personally, I agree with his approach, as I dislike the bloated headcanon myself.

A reason why a lot of things about fluffies depends on headcanon


I heavily prefer this over the immobile dam. The weight of the mother would be on her tummeh babbehs if she were immobile, it’s counterproductive to their development.


The bloated dam works better for comedy really.


She looks more like a munchkin, not that I mind though.

Is that the fluffy equivalent of “I haven’t seen my feet in weeks”?

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The munchkin idea was unique to FierceDeityLynx though. Also, Shadysmarty’s design of fluffies was kinda of unique. SO unique that it inspired a number of fluffies who followed his particular design like Pumpiikin, much like how McGonagall and Wolfram inspired their own set of artists.

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