Wasn’t sure how to tag this. Changed this to moranbox. Thanks for the advice, guys! Pls, let me know if I mistagged something.
Also yeah the humans are sticks, but nobody comes on this site for good human art… I hope.
Anyway - would love to hear some feedback. I feel like I added too many text boxes here. Thoughts?
Lovely little scene. I would say it’s more neutralbox as they’re more just dealing with a situation than anything else. Love to see how the storyline pans out.
Natural selection has favored some of them.
They advance to the next round.
Optional to save the idiot Foal who jumped in. He/she overcame the water aversion and showed altruism, which at that age are natural traits. I’d rescue it in order to see them be passed on.
Fantastic! The continuing conga-line of disasters even as the exasperated humans try to clean things up is exactly what it’s like to own multiple fluffies!