Shuffler and Barkley by RainbowRottie

Shuffler couldn’t be happier, the dark isn’t scary with bestest big sissy at his side! Shuffler, hanging out in the moonlight with Barkley, the elderly toy poodle. Since it’s from his perspective, I was trying to make the skull semi-transparent. He sees the dog that nobody else does, everyone else sees the skull he keeps close and carries around. Barkley’s ghost watches over him, always a good big sister, even in death. Or maybe it’s just the imagination of a fragmented mind? Can that wonky little eye pick up ghosts, does Barkley only let him see her?

(I’m slowly learning to use the pages app for drawing! I think I’m getting a little better at it? Either way, I had fun.)


Pages? iPad? Good job! There’s some really good apps for art to :slight_smile:

iPhone, drawing with my finger is more tricky than I expected. Thank you! I’m trying to find out what other apps could be really good for drawing too. I sort of want to try making comics, but I also want to get good enough to do some fan art. There’s so many characters I love in the community!

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Shee it thats better then i could manage, with a bloody Wacom tablet !