Shwooms ( by: FallenAngel )

A feral family gathering some tasty white mushroom growing on some abandon facility.

Inspired from the classic Ripley’s Believe it or Not show that some abandon mine used as a mushroom farm.


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Abandoned mines were the first mushroom farms. Its actually amazing how modern an invention mushroom farms are.


the beauty of nature

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From what I understand, this mushroom practice was stopped in the mines because there were too many risks of mushroom poisoning, and even more so when they are wild because they absorbed the remains of the materials from said mines


I see thats in interesting info. :+1:

That’s really cool!
You really do learn something new every day!

(post deleted by author)

How does fluffies learn the difference between edible and poisonous mushrooms?
Does fluffies learn from older and more experienced members of their herds or is knowledge gained from dangerous games of trial and error?
I can see how herds with a discriminatory attitude to bad colours would use poopy babies as food testers to find out whether a newly encountered strain of fungi is fit for consumption or not.


In my lore its from experience and trial and error.

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In theory it would be a good idea, but mushroom poisoning in most cases is slower and is something that is commonly confused with a stomach ache. A classic mistake is to think that all white mushrooms are edible xD

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awww the little light blue one with the mushroom


Imo fluffies have good sense of smell. Its what makes domestics super picky about kibble, foal formula, ect and cry like little bitches when runaways have to eat garbage.

In a recent story I had a fluffy find and dig up a truffle it found because I figured fluffies probably have pig DNA.

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That’s true why has no one made a story based on that idea

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That blue foal has a disturbing level of affection for phallus-shaped objects.

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You’re the one who’s making it weird here, dude

Look at that colt again and tell me he doesn’t trip your gaydar like crazy :v