Side Revenues - Teaser (by: SkettiApostle)

Aw, thank you very much :blush:

What a naughty mind you have lol

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Yup. If they didn’t put so much pressure on her, she might produce better litters. They’d get results if they treated her better.

Enlightened self-interest.


Beautiful terror and filth.


Fear is a great motivator. Now if the task is achievable is quite another discussion. :thinking:

You’ve captured the terror on her face quite nicely, good artwork! @SkettiApostle

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it would make sense if they breed a color fluffy with another color fluffy to make a good color foal, right? i believe that’s how breed work.

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Hahahaha that’s the way foals learn to discriminate the brown fluffies from their mother.

This makes me hate humanity more, which is why I rejected my humanity

Reject humanity, become smawty!

I rejected my humanity and became a furry. Specifically a Protogen, aka a mother freakin cyborg

Wait, where is the furry part? Are you putting fur on the metal parts?

I don’t quite follow?

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I’m replying to FalloutToonLink above. I knew someone would someday get confused by replies.

Yes, they are not that clearly structured at times.

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I was grown in a tube and had carbon fiber cybernetics and a nano tech visor surgically attached to my body

Too many smart sciency words for my degenerate brain.

Im also a super soldier. The only one of my kind ever made.

find a job already

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I have one. I’m a demon hunter

Imagine her next batch is all brown alicorns.