Quick sketch of something I had in mind before I pass out, it was a long day xD
For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me!
Quick sketch of something I had in mind before I pass out, it was a long day xD
For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me!
I love how fucking delusional dancie babbehs are
of all dancie babbehs I have seen this one is the best
“don’t worry about your child, my siblings, loss I will wiggle about a bit, surely this will make you happy.”
breaks leg
The only thing that could make this image better was another shoe descending on the dancing baby.
dumb shitrats shouldn’t be standing in peoples ways if they don’t want to be kicked or crushed. Also there really is something hilarious about dancing babbehs trying to cheer up the mothers after something bad happens, especially if something bad happens to the dancing babbeh, in fact its always fun to hurt or crush dancing babbehs for being show offs.
because fuck you xDDDD
get out of my road shitrat
while saying that he should have kicked her ribs in…or face …or ass
Learn where you step, man. That shit is annoying to clean off.
Oh, a dancie babbeh! I can dance too, check this out!
[Proceeds to tapdance all over babbeh]
The danceh babbeh shows fortitude, by the standards of its ilk.
Bear in mind that the Mummah, being forced to choose, would pick a danceh babbeh as the survivor over a less obnoxious one, herself.
Fluffies are genetically designed to handle Sophie’s Choice. Which, yet again, says a lot about their designers
I wouldn’t say it’s delusional. If anything it’s being realistic.
‘Hey that one is a blood blot on the sidewalk. Look at me, I’ve over here NOT dead and dancing!’
Now if he was acting like his dancing could bring his fellow idiot back to life, sure…
omg that lil dancie babbeh is so cute. I love them
Yelling at a person like that will be the death of that fluffy someday
great work
This post is receiving much more likes than I thought it would, for a sketch before sleeping xD
thank you
Listen here mummah! im fucking dancing! that means the world is perfect and you should be fucking shaking in fucking joy.
dancie babbehs are so pathetic i love them gawd they may me wanna break their dacie little legs!
God took the wrong foal
Hahahaha stupid shitrats.