Simple procedures (InfraredTurbine)

True dat.


Aw, playtime with a newborn. Lovely


Brutal and tragic :heart:
and at that age, they could probably just replace it no questions asked
plus with a name like coconut, I assume he was brown.

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well, some ppl want their dogs ears to be cropped, so I think ppl would still do it to these shitrats as well
for…a getting appearance ? don’t know, but you know how ppl do a lot of strange things

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I didn’t know ppl would declaw cats, Geeeez, why ?
WHY ??

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He cut it too close to the body, damaging the spine

of course it hasn’t, look at your last post o_o
:V it’s amazing!

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can you elaborate more ?

Because some people are too lazy to train their cats to use a scratching post, so the cats scratch up the furniture, carpets, people, etc.
Declawing is akin to cutting off the first joint of a human finger and due to the structure of a cats paw they end up actually walking on the tips of the toes causing extreme pain.


No, my murderboner, not my “d@+ @$$” boner.

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ooof, when I had a cat it used to scratch at the rug everyday, I think it makes them really relaxed, imagine without having nails :d


I’ve had six cats thus far, and only one (Millie) was declawed; she’d been before we got her.

However; fixing is another story. Trekkie wasn’t fixed, and she only lived 14 years.


But it may have been bred, meaning its genetic lineage was important.

Replacing it with a random possibly Feral or a newer genetic modification to the species could destroy whatever they were attempting to accomplish.

Suddenly a proud stock is a “shit factory”, or a push towards heightened intelligence is back to square one.

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…how do you even fuck up removing a tail?
However, it makes for a tasty abuse


Same way as dogs.

You have to do it very early, when the bones are soft and healing is quick. That’s when you cleanly snip it. Key word: cleanly. Not just aseptically, but quickly with minimal damage to anything but the cut location. If the implement is not sharp enough you’re more pinching it off, leading to nerve damage and bruising.

WARNING: actual dog tail docking in spoilers.


Once the dog is older then cutting off circulation is the best method.



Either way, doing it wrong can cause severe problems such as nerves trying to regrow resulting in a very messed up bulb of swollen scarred nerves called a neuroma, or general damage to the nervous system. Usually not immediately fully crippling though, but anecdotally there are reports of dogs who struggle sometimes developmentally with regards to walking, running, playing, and so on

According to google additional unconfirmed but widely believed side effects are underdevelopment of the lower body muscles and exclusion from other dogs as they lack a significant communication tool which can lead to aggression towards other dogs. In Fluffy terms the former is probably irrelevant unless its a breed that can actually do anything remotely physical, and the latter probably just equates to “Dummy” or a resulting Fluffy who acts like a loner Smarty.

Bear in mind these are not officially recognized side effects to a common and long-practiced dog ‘care’ practice. In general, proper tool and proper care results in a perfect result.

Now, it requires longer term care than one vet visit. The fact the owner is not doing it themselves means either that the Fluffies in that story are of the “never gets sick, heals quickly from any non-permanent or just mildly treated damage” or shit was going to go wrong anyway.


buut isn’t tail vertebrae lower than leg ones? So unless you’re dumb (or depends on hc), you shouldn’t be able to make them paralyzed
edit: I’m dumb, Turbine literally explained it a few comments above. oops, sorry


Lmao :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Oh god, I had no idea about that being done to horses! Just when I thought I’d heard of all the disgusting “cosmetic” mutilations done to animals, humanity continues to disgust me further. :face_vomiting:


Disgusting how people do that in the name of “fashion”. Animals are living beings, not toys that you can take apart and customize as you please.

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Technically there are health benefits, though not to the modern pet.

The practices originate from sport breeds who helped in things like hunting as well as dogfighting. In either case the idea was less dog for brambles/teeth to sink into, as well as various debunked theories like it making them faster, smarter, and more resistant to disease. Plus it made your dog immediately recognizable as owned rather than a wild dog or one belonging to the lower classes. Because of course a dog belonging to an Irishman is kill on sight, lest it breed with an English hound or escape to America.

The more you look into pet practices the more the cruelty towards Fluffies makes sense. Dog breeders are still swearing by debunked shit from before the European colonization of the New World, so killing a Mare but not a Stallion for Foal colors and general nonsensical dislike of certain colorations makes perfect sense. People really are that dumb, especially in establishment where you do shit because the culture or club requires it.

Want some cruelty inspiration? Or depending on how you write it a misery prevention. Pussy rings with your family crest, to prevent lower class animals from breeding or thieves from swapping your animal with a common one to sell. Both very popular with horses, especially warhorses, especially especially the Arabian mares who were to be kept chaste in case of the death of the rider in the crusades. The master may have perished, but the horse lineage dating back to the founding of the noble house will persist once the ransom is paid.
An undervalued gain from the crusades for Europe is all the inferior European mares knocked up by randy Arabian stallions in the herds that formed from escapees after battles.

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