Simple procedures (InfraredTurbine)

Just something before starting this Sunday
nice week to everyone :slight_smile:

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This asshole should be sued for what he did. :grimacing: Hope the owner notice the difference.


I mean the owner paid a guy to cut the ears and tails off his talking pet


If its a newborn there shouldnā€™t be any telltale signs. At least not until it opens its eyes. There may be the issue of the mother, if there is one. If it freaks out around her and she rejects it for not being hers, and the owner is smart enough to figure it out instead of beating her, then they can complain.

But then there is burden of proof since the only evidence is what a female Fluffy says.

Though depending on the universe Fluffies may be too dumb to notice/care, or the value of a Fluffy so low that there is no legal recourse. Though even a feral rat is technically viable for at least the cost of the service plus the documented proof behind a bad review.

Still, there is a decent chance that the owner raising a fuss could simply be arrested by police for harassing employees or taking up an officerā€™s time if they trued to Karen it. It is Fluffverse after all, and Hugboxers suffer only a bit less than the Fluffies in an Abuser-aligned setting.

The squashing is a terrible idea though. The smell of blood will be persistent, and there is always the chance for some bone splinters in the palm. Clearly they are the kind of workers fully deserving of minimum wage.


Literally the same kind of thing people do to show dogs though. Or any kind of dog people want to look fancy.

Its legal in most countries, and totally fine to get done abroad then take them home in countries where it is actually banned.


The hoof sucking at the end really sells the grimness.


Damn, your foals are small if itā€™s around the same size as the nail clippers.


Yes , also that asshole used inappropriate tools as using a frikkin nailclipper cause its ā€œmakes it look easierā€ for him than an actual tool for castration guess thats the reason why it gotten an issue could be nerve when cutting the tail. :fearful:


Not sure if its the correct tool, but it looks like the ears and tail were done with a small pair of scissors. Like mustache snipper.


True we will never know if such scissor can affect the hind legs nerve if cut the tail.

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Iā€™m almost thinking it wasnā€™t physical damage, but rather terror.

Cataplexy can manifest as a result of emotional trauma or shock, though usually in sufferers of narcolepsy. Otherwise severe emotional rushes and anxiety can cause all kinds of things, and suddenly losing control of legs until you remember you can run away is something that happened to me once.

Its a baby, who never actually saw anything in its life and depending on the interpretation of Fluffies its programming may not have even kicked in yet, making it a being purely of instinct and zero awareness of its situation. If they regularly deal with Fluffies and donā€™t see them freeze up or act irregularly during such surgery then Iā€™d say it was just a narcoleptic Fluffy responding to severe emotional damage.
Meaning it died because it had a natural born disability, which I feel makes it even worse.


Iā€™m more wondering why the owners wants a fluffy to have it tail and ears docked.
It not exactly a pure breed thoroughbred horse.
just a talking rat pony.


England/UK banned the nicking/docking of tails, in all animals, in 2006, save for medical reasons and only then by a vet. Also 10 states in the US have banned it.

Docking includes but is not limited to, declawing cats, cropping the ears of dogs and ā€œnickingā€ the tendons under the tail of show horses to force them into an unnaturally high carriage, cutting off more than half of a pigā€™s tail, and the removal of more than half of a sheepā€™s tail.

Unnecessary docking done on animals is nothing but sick mutilation.


How do you paralyze a fluffy by cutting its tail off? That should only happen if you damage the spine between the shoulders and hips.


Shitā€™s so fragile its broken by all ?


Iā€™m gonna be honest itā€™s a brand spanking newborn fluffy itā€™s not like the owner was even close to being attached for any extended time


This really encapsulates how helpless the foal is in the hands of uncaring humans. It hasnā€™t even opened its eyes, and all he can experience is pain. And even if it was old enough to see, he would never understand why humans cut off pieces of his body for seemingly no reason. :blush:


Those last 2 panels are extra satisfying.

Foal do go sploosh.


I donā€™t understandā€¦
If anything, my murderboner hasnā€™t gone down. It keeps demanding more, more, more!


The worst part of being into fluffy abuse is weā€™re all trying to scratch an itch that we can never actually reach.