Siren Gilda by (that1hugboxer)

Since the siren bio toy line was released stores have had a difficult time keeping them stocked

But just like regular fluffies

Certain traits were more desirable than others

The good looking sirens sold out quickly and the remaining “ugly” sirens were often sold at a significant discount

Enter Gilda a nymphet-siren

Her mane was long , white and curly

Her leg fluff was putrid green

Her eyes were black

Her teeth were buck

And her face was covered in penny sized freckles

No one wanted her

Because all of the other sirens

Were more pleasing to the eye

No one except you

For nearly nothing

You had a fluffy hunter, a housekeeper and….well you’d need to be pretty desperate to use the “companion” function even with the good looking ones but the option was there

She could feed herself clean herself and preform menial tasks

All for under $40

Gilda despite her goofy appearance

Was amazing at luring in fluffies

“Giwda show new fwiends pwace can get aww da enfies. pwace nu dummy hoomans teww fwuffies wut du, fwuffies make poopies a pee pee whewe fwuffy wan. Fwuffy get skettie an wawm housie , fwuffy even get sweepie in big hooman bed!”

You watch gleefully from your security camera as one by one the gaggle of fluffs enter the garage all the while singing the praises of their savior Gilda

As the last fluffy enters , the garage door slams shut behind them

You flick on the lights as you enter the garage

“Well well this is quite the haul Gilda!”

Gilda smiles and lets out a series of snort filled giggles, Then in a nasally human female voice begins to speak.

“Thank you!
I hope this batch lasts longer than the last one!“
Gilda puts a blood stained apron
And grabs one of fluffies by the neck fat
Gilda tapes the fluffy’s eyelids open
And places them in a stockade at the other end of the “work” table

She places the stockaded fluffy’s bestist on the table and straps it down

“Now since it’s your bestist I figured it only proper to let you choose the order of what gets taken”

“And in turn your bestist gets to pick the order of what gets taken from you “

The thing adored about Gilda was her knack for hand Tailored cruelty