Sketch Dump (by ZealousBadIdea)

Here are a bunch of ideas I had for the fluffy ponies universe. Did most of them back in February and have just kept putting them off, although I do plan on eventually finishing them.

A garden fluffy, sea fluffy, extra-fluffy, and puffy griffin

A fluffalo

What I call the Oni Sisters, a cannibal fluffy and her normal fluffy sister. Oh and a micro fluffy from the wild decked out in trash armor

A happy derped fluffy and a hairless fluffy

A breezy fluffy, ghoul fluffy, tusk fluffy and his tiny friend
Scan 10

some chirpy bebbehs fluffies
Scan 12

a chirpy bebbeh draco fluff
Scan 13

Company logo for Hasbro, Hasbio and a few subsidiaries.

A logo and mascot for a fluffy pony shit based bio-fuel

a producer of the aforementioned shit based bio-fuel