sketch for the Easter by loll


The approaching Easter? You’re extra early


Better then being late.


Huh well I have Easter pretty soon

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You are falling on an orthodox Easter when you are late in this case, so it’s not as bad as you think it is


Mine was a joke on the term ‘being late’ as in ‘potententially pregnant’

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Still, I could draw it according to my mood, so

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I thought Easter fell weirdly far from Pesach this year. Happy Orthodox Easter, my dude. Have a matzah ball.

Jews :handshake: Orthodox Christians

Misunderstood holidays

Why are you so obsessed with the date? I drew this art only because I was in such a mood😴

Er, because Easter traditionally falls just after Pesach, which means Orthodox Easter is coming up? And it’s not the widely celebrated Easter, which falls during March or April so as to conform to school and business schedules? And Pesach is a freaking big deal to me?

The real fact of the matter here is that this is wonderful artwork and would be welcome no matter what time of the year it was posted :slight_smile: