I feel like this one is pretty self explanatory unless you don’t know what spaghetti-os are. Which good for you, they don’t taste great. But anyways. This was also inspired by @Carpdime ’s soup comic which is also I think obvious.
And a battle fluffy organizing CPU.
Just saying.
Skettie-o’s are the main sponsor for Battle Fluffies.
It’s what they fight for.
Lol dude I wasn’t aware. My bad.
Well i called em fluffie-o’s
Looks yummy, I bet fluffies would go wild for shaped pasta.
Ohhh. Right. My bad. I can take this down if you want I suppose. Lol. I totally wasn’t trying to claim it was an idea all of my very own.
Absolutely not.
It was your idea to begin with i just gave you an extra push.
You can credit me if you like though.
Rambo and apple flavoured\shaped pasta ?
100% ‘SCHlorp~’ guarantee.
If this product doesn’t ‘SCHlorp~’ when you empty the can shapped contents feel free to call our 800 number and listen to a 24 hour sound effect loop.
marinara ?
Why do I look at or watch food videos when I’m hungry?
Lol it coming out and sounding absolutely gross is a pretty funny idea.
Because people Yearn to suffer.
You’re probably right
If you need evidence i’d like you to look back at your post ‘im the only mint fox on here lmao’.
Speaking of, maybe I can get more people to make alts or Martini the comment now that you brought it up again.
Dude, why?
You’re the one who brought it up anyway lmao
Good natured hazing of my peers potentially…
…Boredom probably.
Yearning to suffer thus causing uneeded drama to self impose it because my life is too comfortable, most likely.
Oh shit, for real?