Sketties 4 Bebbeh (by: bowling)


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A great take on a classic fluffy story.

@Virgil honorary theme week submission.



I love the sketti for babbeh concept, and your art style is quite lovely

1ooks 1ike the meat grinders on a 1itt1e high if it doesn’t 1ook 1ike ground beef to be confused as ‘nood1es’.

Then again, that cou1d be a matter of taste / abuse. :slight_smile:

Hahahaha what a stupid mare! She picked her special foal… Hahahaha stupid mare!

The facial expressions really remind me of that classic cartoon, can’t remember the name, but it was in Mad Magazine all the time. The one with the crazy sound effects and the guy with absurdly big feet?

Anyway, its a compliment. Good stuff.