Sketties First :: CuddilyBloodily

No I thought that to.

You can also make your own pasta if you have the time, patience and/or tools.

Added bonus is showing the fluffy how the machine works and how it just “makes skettie”. They’ll never know the difference if you wish to teach them a lesson in humility when you potentially slip other more…shall we say “foreign” or “hazardous” materials into the mixture. Though the Italian in me is screeching like a pack of angry gibbons at the thought of defiling good food, get creative: Laxatives is a good one, if you have a mare whose constantly going on about babies then grind up a healthy mixture of basil and parsley into the mix or anything high on the spice chart to prove a point if you don’t want the fluffy ruined. However there’s always ground glass, poisons or chemicals if you want the problem removed permanently. A heavily seasoned sauce and some shredded pico Romano cheese can really cover up almost anything “strange” about the flavoring.

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You got your skettis. Be happy

Oh no that would be terrible.
Anyway have you seen the weather?

Damn i fucking love it