Peak sadbox. I’ve often thought that people would buy foals and love the cute little buggers to death, then get sick of them as adults since they’re so needy. Like, as a foal it makes since they’d be needy, but being a fully developed creature with the permanent mind of a human 5yo could get grating.
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Ah, I thought so! As soon as I heard Duffy and Birthday it rang bells of Wolfram’s comic!
I agree, dogs kinda get on my nerves sometimes. I still love animals in general, but I’d at least try a fluffy once if they were real. Either a rescue or a foal I could raise to have good manners and be rule abiding. I couldn’t be an abuser irl. I’ve never intentionally hurt a cat or dog, and I dont think I could a fluffy either, since they beg for their lives and cry(tears are my weakness). I’d just take a feral fluffy to a shelter if it came down to it. Even here, while I enjoy abuse if it’s well done, my preferred form of fluffy suffering is accidental deaths caused by fluffy stupidity.