Sleipnir Fluffies colorized (kininin)


As mentioned previously in another drawing, the arrival of the “friends from Mariland” only meant doom for the fluffies. hasbio had to intervene in some manner, instead of fixing things like the smarty syndrome, their fragile digestive systems or their need to demand for sketties, they decided to experiment new ideas, in this case we got the sleipnir fluffies, they were basically normal fluffies but with longer bodies, and 8 legs like the mythical horse of odin.
besides the new pairs of legs there was absolutely no difference from their 4 legged brethrens.
they became a short lived fad, most people wanted a sleipnir fluffy, but they soon found out that the noises that they made when they walked was the equivalent of having 2 or 3 fluffies walking around the house, and it quickly became unbereable to most people that in the end decided to kick out their sleipnir fluffies and adopt marilandians.

in the picture we can see a sleipnir fluffy demanding things from Michael, mostly asking him to leave so he can live with his daddeh once more

…the owner of Michael heard the conmotion and quickly got rid of the fluffy…
by kicking it as hard as he could.


As a drumstick/wings fan, I for one am for this kind of fluffy.


Hasbio out here upgrading from a drumstick meal to a Family Bucket


I’m trying to work out the anatomical and physiological changes this would require, and I’m amazed those fluffs don’t die screaming as soon as they’re born. Foaling alone would be deadly!

In short, it’s a great idea. Make it so.

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hasbio scientists instead of fixing the thousands of issues that fluffies have: “but what if we gave them MORE legs though?”

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