Slumper Barty (federalchemical1728)

Luciya invited the @anon9587322 crew over for a boozy slumber party so you KNOW spin-the-bottle had to come up. They also tied Xeno’s dinner to it. And Greg has parked himself on Greg so now he can never get up.

I thought it would be fun to give them all different styles of gas masks, drinks, and pajamas. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s canon that they all wear their gas masks to bed.

((i kinda got Bad Brain rn))

i feel like i’m not focusing enough on my irl life, but my irl life fucking sucks ass & focusing on it feels like i’m going to die.

I finally got my non-stimulant ADHD meds, but they make me feel kinda weird. Like the kind of floaty, nauseous feeling i got when my antidepressant dose was wrong. but it’s only been one day so i dont really know actually. and it’s part of ADHD to be impatient, it just feels like i’m running out of time to get this right.

Summer nights are also particularly hard for me. They’ve been some of the best times of my life, but today they just remind me of the friends i ran away from & the shame of isolating myself. I can’t even respond to comments on my own art i’m such a weird dumb cave goblin. ANYWAY back to fluffies…


Neat to see the Boots gang in your style. :heart:
And sending internet hugs.


ohhhhh i love it i love it i love it!!

i hug my friend, we’re hear for you if you need us




Loll, the babbeh tied to the bottle.

I feel you, sib. I’ve never had an easy time replying to comments, stupid crippling social anxiety. I hope the meds get easier.

Is it worth reaching back out to people?

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((I feel you, friend.))

:people_hugging: Big relate. I’m in a pretty good place right now, well medicated, and grateful to be so. The day to day journey is rough. Change is hard. If you wanna talk about it, my DMs are open.

If you’re feeling up to it, here are a few “self care” reminders. No pressure, no judgement.

  • Have you brushed your hair today? If brushing is too much, try just stimulating your scalp with a good scratch.

  • Drink a lil water. Just a lil sip. Sip some water now and again. Using a straw is fine. So is shoving your head under the tap. Be as delicate or as feral as you’re feeling. The important thing is that the water enters your body.

  • Shouting is an acceptable stress-relief tactic. If you don’t have the luxury of solitude, a thick pillow or a stack of towels is a great muffler.

  • Having trouble falling asleep? Me too, I can’t help with this one. Usually I smoke weed about it. I’ve also just recently invested in a sleep-sack. I’m not taking questions at this time, but I’ll let you know how it goes if you care.

  • Release yourself from the pressure of timeliness. Normalize waiting until you feel like it to sit down and reply to your pile of outreaches. I put down the phone in the middle of a text exchange if I’m out of social energy. I absolve you of the “sin” of taking time to yourself and letting others wait.

  • Take TikTok off your phone. Seriously. That shit is actually literally addictive. It’s a lethal time suck and it totally works over your brain chemicals. TikTok is bad for our mental health. Quit that shit.

  • Stretch real tall for 5 seconds, then bend forward at the waist and let your arms hang loose and free, for at least 5 seconds, but more if you like. Repeat whenever you catch yourself doing a big sigh, whenever someone says something so remarkably stupid that you want to roll your eyes into the back of your skull, or whenever you’re about to sit down in a new location. Gamify stupid things! Brains like that.


Do the mask wearers move their masks when the bottle lands on them or do they commit to keeping it on through the game?


may i add to these tips?

  • EAT FOOD!! dont forget to eat, some meds require food to work, like real food. dont matter what time it is if your hungry eat a bit. forgetting to eat is a huge problem with me,
  • hug yourself a bit, it feels silly but it can help get that happy feeling going through your brain if your touch starved.
  • cute pet videos help, i dont know why but they get the happy feelings flowing

I feel you, bud. ): Things are REALLY bad for me right now too. Here’s to hoping we both get through this. :people_hugging: