Small Fluffy, Big City [Thread 1]



Hi britfluff!
I think the blue mean one should have a name it doesnt like since it tried to kill its brown sibling, and the orange fluffy should be treat much nicer than the blue one because it doesnt have any behaviour issues and seems to be trainable. Examples: the orange fluffy has a fun job like playing blockies and makes 10 coins a day, whilst the blue one has a bad job where it only makes 2… it means the orange fluffy will live a fun life with a nice apartment, be able to buy whatever it wants ect…

Blue: poopie (tried to kill its brown sibling)
Orange: candycorn (its cute)


The name I’m thinking for Fluffy 3 is Benji. Partially random and partially because I think of someone pulling minor pranks and causing annoyance to have that name.

The original fluffy could be named Mark. Maybe Benji could occasionally try to jump scare Mark by saying that classic “ou’ hai Mawk” line, which results in annoyance on Mark’s end.


This is brilliant! Serial Killer the friendly prankster must be a great neighbor for a foal that just finished watching prison documentaries! :laughing:


3 Boo

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how did you came with the “” name?

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“Alright, little fluff, I have some good news for you.”

The depressed, mildly huuing foal turned to you, a hint of sadness on it’s face. This little one didn’t have a name just yet. Emphasis on yet. It was originally going to be sold as part of a Halloween sale, but unfortunately it wasn’t chosen by anyone. You would pity it if you didn’t try to emotionally distance yourself from these fluffies. As you gently scoop it up from the Seasonal Foals pen, you brush some tears away in an attempt to comfort it.

“W-Wes Misses Wose…?” It asked, apprehensively.
“You’re not going to be getting a mommy or daddy any time soon-”

Fuck. You shouldn’t have said that. Now it’s full on bawling, face up in the sky as it sat on it’s hind, tears falling down.

“Shhhhh, no, no, don’t cry. It’s good news, I promise.”

That was a lie.

“You’re going to be going to live in a city with another foal your age all on your own, like a big fluffy. It’s gonna be hard, but if you steel yourself you’ll be able to become bigger and stronger.”
“Buh… Nu mummah or daddeh!”
“You don’t need em.”
“Otay! Fank woo Miss Wose!”

Foals, man. You go over to the laptop quickly, foal cooing in your hands as you place it on your shoulder. Checking the suggestions for names, one seems to have peaked the viewers interest.

Elly_Ass: Name the original foal “Tripod” and the pumpkin girl “Serial Killer”

Damn, you like it a bit too.

Rose_Wine: Alright, putting the foal in now!

You wake up on the sitting pillow, your back aching and feeling cold. You can tell it’s getting closer to the cold times already. God you hope your coins pay for heating. You hear a knock on your door, which you really want to ignore, but you’ve learned from past experience ignoring these things is a bad idea. Taking a quick sip of water, you go to check who it is.

“Hu yu-”

You gasp in shock. The roof is gone, and all you can see is your dummy human mummeh, Miss Rose!

“Afraid I can’t do that, Tripod. That’s your name by the way.”
“Yeah, yeah. This fluffy here is called ‘Serial Killer’. Call him Serial for short.”
“God you’re like a broken record- hey, hey, Serial, don’t mind him. He’s just a bit grumpy. He’ll also be showing you how to survive in this city, because if he doesn’t He’s going to be thrown into the sorry bath and learn what it feels like to be a disgraced Cambodian Monarch.
“Then you best behave. Here, Serial, have a few coins. And if Tripod tries to steal anything, shout out ‘911’.”
“Otay! Siwaw wan pway wif new fwend!”

The bitch places a total of 3 coins onto a different pile, before placing the other fluffy onto the floor gently. You hate her, but by extension you hate this fluffy too. However, you don’t have a choice. She closes the ceiling back up, as you nod your head towards the door.

“Fowwow me, Siwiw. Twipod hab many fings to teww.”
“Otay! Oh! Can Siwiw and Twipod pway baww aftew?”
“Don’ hab baww munies.”

“… An’ dat’s why yu nu eva gu to da awweyways hewe. Any Kweshtuns?”

You feel a little… worried. You’re certainly going to take a while to get used to these new rules and everything! It doesn’t help that you don’t think Tripod likes you, although you’ve both just met. Maybe you can ‘buy’ a ball later to cheer him up?

“Nu. Nu, wait, whewe do Siwiw go sweepies?”
“Nu in my nestie. Dat’s my nestie yu sweep on da piwwows.”
“Otay! Fank yu!”

How kind of him! You think he’s the nicest fluffy you’ve ever met! You hope he lets you be your friend eventually! You just have to wear him down a bit. That should be easy, right?

Dingdingdingdingding! Vooooooooooote Tiiiiiiiiiime~! Comment the letter corresponding to your choice to vote and the one with the most wins!

A) There’s a sale at the toy store.
B) Crime spree! All of their money is stolen.
C) They get a phone call from Tripod’s mother.

NAME: Tripod
COLOURS: Pastel Blue, White
TYPE: Unicorn
TEMPERAMENT: Aggressive + Clingy
MONEY: 2 coins
AGE: 1 month
NAME: Serial “Siril” Killer
COLOURS: Pumpkin Orange, Green
TYPE: Earthie
TEMPERAMENT: Energetic + Sociable
MONEY: 3 coins
AGE: 1 month



$10: Food runs out for the day [REACHED]
$25: The foal gets mugged [REACHED]
$50: One free request giveaway [REACHED]
$75: The foal ‘loses’ a leg at work [REACHED]
$100: Another foal is added, and both get a user decided name [REACHED]
$150: A Bar opens up with actual alcohol [IN PROGRESS]
$200: The foal is fired, and must get a new job [STILL NOT REACHED]
$250: A cold snap/heatwave hits, depending on what yall want [STILL NOT REACHED]
$300: Ten more foals are added and named by the users [STILL NOT REACHED]
$400: You unleash three rats into the city to hunt the foals for a week [STILL NOT REACHED]
$500: Economic recession! The foals must pay double as much for everything [STILL NOT REACHED]


It was something that was popular in the booru a while back, before my time. Put 5, cleaned out foals in a blender, pour in a few shots of tequila, and hit blend.


lmao xD


i’m between A and C, i want to see how their relationships develops, but i also want to know what will Tripod and his mom talk about, i’d go for A though


Lmfao I’m thinking to renaming myself to Elly_Ass now.

I vote A, I want them to be responsible for their own poverty.


I vote B. A friend of the kitty that Tripod stole from, like the citizen she was talking to on the phone, could be the coin thief as payback for ruining the child’s day and wasting the kitty’s savings. The friend hints that the bribed piggy police officer may have been the one to tell where Tripod lives. Serial Killer’s coins are also taken by extension as he lives with Tripod.


Option C.


Option b
It should be that Serial gets in some trouble and gets his coins stolen and, by proxy gets Tripods coins stolen as well.
I want to see how they would react


Gotta go with C mummeh can send a care package!

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I like A. give them a moment in which they fuck up their own lives for a instant of shiny things

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Awwh… serial didnt do anything wrong to get punished like tripod. It seems mean that they are both getting stuff happening to them.

I vote C!

But also… because serial is a nice fluffy, they should be rewarded with a better “life” than tripod… maybe serial is lucky and finds a really fun job getting to test playing with bawws all day! And it pays really well too… and a lot of the creatures are friendlier to serial because hes a higher class, tripods tv only shows mean shows, but the apartment that serial finally gets is super comfy and nice and plays flufftv and hugbox stuff!

Teach em that good fluffies have nice lives and mean fluffies struggle… we dont want serial to become mean because they cant handle the cruelty.


A) 3
B) 2
C) 3

Hmm… Welp, votes close on Saturday. If it’s a tie I’ll choose which of the tied winners I personally like the most.


I’ll take your entire stock of C


“A” sounds cool (not for them tho)

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