Smarty's Bad Trip - Part 1 (Faggot)

You love your two little fluffballs Grape and Strawberry. Grape is the red mare with a pink mane and Strawberry is the dark purple stallion with a light purple mane. Yes, you made a corny joke while naming them. Their mother was a stray who died in an alleyway along with their other siblings, they were the only two survivors, someone dropped them off at a pet store and you bought them both just one day before they were to be euthanized.

You raised them since they were foals, and you learned to love them despite their early hardships. They’ve grown to be loving respectable pets. They urinate and defecate in the litterbox, never whine, and always give huggies before bed. You make them a spaghetti dinner weekly. You made your backyard their play area complete with a small little wading pool, a little slide and some toys. They have free access to the backyard through a little doggie door that can be locked from the inside, and you’ve trained them to know how to use the lock too. There’s a hole in the back fence that you’ve been meaning to repair. You live in the suburbs and you’re more concerned about a predatory fox or coyote to slip through one day to devour your helpless fluffballs then you are more fluffies. Nevertheless you cover it with a piece of plywood until rain damage ruins the thing and you decide to go get a new piece tomorrow.

Unfortunately a feral smarty and his heard of eight took advantage of that day while Strawberry and Grape were out playing. You were browsing your phone in the living room when Grape approaches you crying.

“Daddeh, meanie smawtie fwuffy com tu yawd an twy gif gwape bad speciaw huggies an gif stwawbewwy sowwy hoofie! Pwease make meanie hewd gu way!”

“The fuck he did!?!”

You march out there to find some hideous fucking green male kicking and biting at and chasing poor Strawberry around the yard. His other eight adult herd members and a few mare’s foals just stand around the yard watching the ordeal in amusement.

“Dummeh pupwe fwuffy take sowwy hoofies! Dis smawtie’s wand nao! Smawty gon gif dummeh fwuffy fowevah sweepies an take mawe fow hewd an speciaw huggies!”

“Nu, weave fwuffy awone, hu hu!” The little shitbitch tackles him to the ground.

“Take sowwy poopies!”

“Not today, shitstain.”

Before he has a chance to shit on your pet, you aggressively grab him by the scruff and hold him in the air.

“Dummeh hooman! Smawty gon-”

Your fist smashes into his stomach before he has a chance to finish his sentence. His shit comes out like a rocket.


They’re too scared to do anything.

“Strawberry, go back in the house, and lock your doggie door. This bastard is about to feel some pain.”

“Otay daddeh.”

“Stwawbewwy? Dat dummeh name!”

He gets another punch in the stomach.


Never seen a fluffy vomit before. Guess there’s a first time for everything.

You drop his ass to the ground and cover the hole with a box. Nobody’s going anywhere. You pick the writhing fuck back up and march him into the house.

“Grape and Strawberry, go to daddy’s room for a little bit, I want some privacy.”

Taking the little shit into the upstairs bathroom, you toss him in the tub and fill it with an inch of cold water.

“Eek, cowd wawa! Smawty nu wike!”

Time to break out an old gift. An old gift you received from a university friend. He was a chemistry major and got around to making all sorts of wacky shit with his laboratory equipment access. One day he procured you a little bottle of good old fashioned lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD for short. You know what it’s capable of. It usually comes on blotters, but this is fresh-from-the-lab liquid lucy. You tripped a few times in your college days and got your fill, but there’s still plenty left. A single drop is enough to make you trip balls, and a few drops was all you ever needed. The bottle war right in the medicine cabinet where you left it. This shit will send the fluffy to fucking space. Every emotion, thought and feeling will be amplified tenfold. His primitive little brain will be working on overdrive as the chemical takes him where no fluffy thought possible. You pry his weak jaw open and drip a nice triple dose onto his tongue.

“Hooman gif smawty wawas in mouf? Dummeh hoomin fink dat huwt smawty?”

“I just sent you to hell, you just don’t realize it yet.”

“Smawty nu am scawed of dummeh hoomin! Fwuffy gif dummeh hoomin sowwy poopies!”

It’s your own shitty water you’re standing in now, dumbass.

You give him half an hour alone in the bathroom waiting for the drug to kick in. When you come back, his pupils are the size of dinner plates and he can barely stand up.

“Fwuffy… nu feew gud… fwuffy feew… su weiwd… su cowowfuw… su weiwd…”

“Welcome to fluffy hell, shitrat. I’m here to punish you for being a bad smarty all your life. You will get worst owies forever. There will be no forever sleepies, only forever pain. Let your punishment begin.”


He’s really panicking now. A tripped out fluffy mind is even easier to fuck with.


You take him back outside and drop his drugged out ass on the grass in front of his herd. They stare at him in confusion.

“Smawty otay? Smawty nee huggies?”

“Glughh, scawy munstahs!”

One of the fluffies goes in for a hug, but he becomes terrified and backs away standoffishly.

“SCAWY! EEK! GU WAY MUNSTAHS!” He shits with fright.

“Fwuffy no am munstah! Am fwiend! Hoomin, why smawty fink hewd am scawy?”

“I gave him some medicine that’s making him see scary things. Every feeling of pain and fear is intensified beyond what you can imagine. And now I’m going to make an example out of him to you guys, to let you know just how scary us humans can be to you little shits.”


Part 2 coming soon! How should we punish the bastard?


Halloween mask, stomp one of the herd to death and chase him with the corpse, tie a baby to his tail and let him drag it to death trying to run away


Put fake wings and horn on the smarty then we’ll see how the herd reacts

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Rip the smarty’s dick and balls off. Make him into a pillow. Let other fluffies rape him repeatedly. Take and eye and shove it in its ass. If he has a bestest baby, make him eat it alive.


Yes to all of it, but only after you make him rape the bestest baby first

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Ahh, this is going to be so satisfying, isn’t it? Fucking smarty.

Now put wings and a horn on Bestest, and see how long it takes daddy dearest to stomp the little spoogenugget to death.

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Have the dude scream about munsta fluffys, make the little fuck run around the yard in fear of his herd, wait for him to get really REALLY pumped, then throw a pebble in the way.

Basically making the shitrat run an Olympic sprint (to it) while on a 3X dose of LSD then either tripping him with the pebble OR inducing a violent seizure.


Lit sparkler affixed to his tail while blaring death metal from a speaker.

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