(Drawing is based on the story “Cave of Possible Wonder?” i started writing like a month ago at this point. trying to get back into drawing in general.)
It had been a few days at this point since Belladonna had allowed Smokie to stick around after effectively killing his herd and making him clean it up. She hated these things, but it was somewhat nice to have something or someone to talk to after living in seclusion for so long. Every so often Smokie’s presence attracts more fluffies for whatever reason, thinking they’ve found a new housie. While Smokie does try to tell them to leave, it usually ends in them being killed and skinned and eaten, sometimes turned into jerky if its dry and sunny enough outside. Though she was against the idea at first to eating fluffies, it turns out its a stupidly easy protein to obtain and doesn’t taste half bad as long as they’re cleaned and cooked properly.