I started posting under the username Robocop around… 2016? It was basic shitposting. Some were ok, but nothing on the level of god tier. I was still learning how to use Krita.
I remember having a big drama fight with SOMEONE and quit for a while, and instead of coming back to my old account, I created Renaissance instead to try to get the booru back to its Wolfram and Artist-Kun roots.
I remember the following posts I made:
Rocky’s Herd (3 parts, quit then)
My one shots, Isolation and Daycare, and um… something about a mom fluffy in a basement nailed down watching her babies die. I think it was called Ruby. I think Ruby had 2 parts too.
Some single frames, like the 4chan anon being tied in a chair in a hugbox room, some hunters searching for some fluffies at night in tall grass
A LONG LONG LONG text story with pictures about a day care center that actually has fluffy color gladiator team deathmatch at the end
Some contest oneshots that were shitposted from my phone
A comic I was about to start called River, I think i only made the cover art and MAYBE the first page
… christ… I can’t remember them. IT’s been so long. genuinely wonder if they’re saved anywhere else.
Does anyone remember RQ’s history posts? Maybe my stuff is saved there. Would there be any way to get the stuff back from the booru or is it just gone gone gone?
Hey I saw your thread on /b/. Another good board to post on would be /trash/, as I’ve seen fluffy threads on there that have hit the image limit before. The board also moves a little slower so the thread won’t be bumped off as easily. Anyways, good to see you back